OAK HARBOR: June 6, 2023 City Council Recap (CoOH)

City of Oak Harbor

The following item was posted in the News section of the City of Oak Harbor website on June 8, 2023.


Approved as presented. 



Parks and Recreation Director Brian Smith presented the Parks and Recreation Month proclamation. 

Honors and Recognitions

Parks and Recreation Director Brian Smith, with Mr. Karney and his third-grade class from Broadview Elementary School, were recognized for their submission of Well Site 10’s new park name Explorer Park. 

Council took a break to take photos with students outside of City Hall. 


The Council received two public comments in advance of the meeting regarding public EV charging stations and concessions. 


The following items were approved as presented:

  • Approval of Minutes –City Council Meeting of May 16, 2023, Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission of May 17, 2023, and City Council Workshop of May 24, 2023
  • Approval of Payroll and Accounts Payable Vouchers
  • Appointment:  Arts Commission Position 6 – Tracy Davidson
  • Appointment:  Planning Commission Position 1 – Elaine Gore
  • Appointment:  Planning Commission Position 5 – Joshua Engelbrecht
  • Appointment:  Planning Commission Position 6 – Ryan Bradley
  • Resolution 23-13: Renaming Wellsite 10 as Explorer Park
  • Surplus List 2023

Councilmember Munns requested to pull Appointment: Planning Commission Position 6 – Ryan Bradley, as he was in the audience, and she wanted to acknowledge him. Councilmember Woessner requested to pull all the appointees who were present to recognize them. Mayor Severns agreed and noted all appointments were pulled for recognition, with the remaining items approved as presented. Those appointees in attendance were Elaine Gore and Ryan Bradley, who received thanks from the Mayor and Council. Mayor Severns called for a motion to approve the four listed appointments. Councilmember Munns moved to approve the list of appointees to the new commission boards, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon. The vote on the motion passed unanimously. 


See the video below. 


No comments from City Councilmembers.


Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 1976 – Building Code Updates – Amending OHMC 17.05.030 and 17.05.060

Development Services Director David Kuhl was joined by Building Official Ginger Pennington. He reviewed the proposal to update codes for Plan Check Fees (Section 17.05.030) and Permit Expirations (17.05.060) and match the practices of other jurisdictions. Mayor Severns opened the public hearing. No public comment was received, and the public hearing was closed. Councilmember Woessner moved to recommend the City Council approve the text amendment to the Oak Harbor Municipal Code relating to Plan Check fees and Building Permit Expiration, seconded by Councilmember Munns. The vote passed unanimously.


Ordinance No. 1977:  Adopting a new Oak Harbor Municipal Code (OHMC) Chapter 9A.250, relating to the use and possession of controlled or counterfeit substances or legend drugs. 

Chief Kevin Dresker presented the background of the Blake Law and the fix the legislature voted into place during a special session called at the request of Governor Inslee. Chief Dresker noted cities can enact laws that are not inconsistent with State law. The new law partly takes effect July 1, and the rest takes effect August 15, leaving a month and a half gap of time. Chief 

Dresker reviewed a few options to address the gap:

  1. To do nothing.
  2. Adopt the suggested ordinance, which will make possession of these narcotics, and public consumption of the narcotics, crimes punishable at a gross misdemeanor level. 

The City Ordinance would only be in effect from July 1 – August 14, 2023, when State law would supersede and ours would “sunset”. Chief Dresker reviewed notes relating to this topic. He was joined in responding to questions by City Attorney Hillary Evans. Following discussion, Councilmember Woessner moved to adopt the ordinance as proposed, making intentional possession or public use of illegal drugs a gross misdemeanor beginning July 1, 2023, and ending August 14, 2023, when the modified state law will take full effect, seconded by Councilmember Stucky. The vote passed unanimously. 


Angel de la Creatividad Sculpture Placement

Parks and Recreation Director Brian Smith presented the background of the project, including the location at Flintstone Park as approved by the Council in February 2023. He explained both City staff and the installation committee met separately onsite in March 2023. A Professional Services Agreement was signed in April 2023 between the City and Sculpture Northwest. Test borings and permits for the placement of the sculpture are completed. Director Smith reviewed the location on a map and showed a rendering of the sculpture in the park based on its current color. The planned installation is in Fall 2023. Staff recommended the Council approve the installation of the statue as recommended by the installation committee. Councilmember Munns moved to approve the installation of the sculpture “Angel de la Creatividad” sculpture in the location recommended by the placement committee, Park Board and Arts Commission (Flintstone Park), seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Hizon. The vote passed six to one, with Councilmember Stucky opposed. 


The meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.


The official meeting minutes will be available after approval by City Council in the Agenda Center online at oakharbor.gov/AgendaCenter.

Watch the Meeting on YouTube

On the Ballot in August 2023

City Councilmember, Position 1
Tara Hizon, the incumbent
City Councilmember, Position 2
Andy Plumlee
Patrick “Pat” Harman
Chris Wiegenstein
Incumbent Beth Munns did not file for re-election.
City Councilmember, Position 3
Eric Marshall, the incumbent
City Councilmember, Position 4
Wismine D’Avilar. (Ms. D’Availar has withdrawn, but will still appear on the ballot.)
John Chaszar
Barbara Armes
Chris Wiegenstein, the incumbent, was appointed to this position after Filing Week closed. He had chosen to file for Position 2.
Craig Nurvic
Nick Green
Ronnie Wright
Shane Hoffmire
Incumbent Bob Severns did not file for re-election.
Candidates are listed in the order in which they will appear on the ballot.
  • June 8, 2023