SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: In our opinion: Fleming, Bobis, Salerno are right for Langley council

South Whidbey Record
Jessie Stensland

Editor Jessie Stensland wrote an In Our Opinion column in the Oct. 27 edition of the Whidbey News-Times endorsing several candidates for Langely City Council.

They Said It

Jessie Stensland: Gail Fleming… Harolynne Bobis and Rhonda Salerno are all strong, intelligent and well-spoken women who are knowledgeable about city government and have given their time to serve on citizen-led committees.

On the ballot on November 2 – Langley City Council:

  • Position 1 – Kay Kenneweg vs Harolynne Bobis –Incumbent Christy Korrow not running
  • Position 2 – Rhonda Salerno running unopposed – Incumbent Dominique Emerson not running
  • Position 5 – Tony Gill vs Gail Fleming – Incumbent Peter Morton not running
  • October 27, 2021