SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Langley council considers drafting ordinance for anti-racism committee

South Whidbey Record

The Langley City Council discussed making its ad-hoc Dismantling System Racism (DSR) committee permanent at its Sep. 7 meeting. The committee was established last year, and it recommends the city make it a standing citizen board. Councilmember Christy Korrow wanted to gauge the council’s support for the idea before she and Cyr drafted the ordinance. See the full story by Kira Erickson.

They Said It

Councilmember Dominique Emerson expressed concerns about the city’s existing number of citizen commissions and council representation

Councilmember Thomas Gill questioned how much the DSR had accomplished within the last year. He said things that members of the public have brought up have not been handled by the committee, as far as he could see. “I’m really concerned that we’re not going to do that, we’re going to do a bunch of things that don’t seem to make any appreciable difference, they just make people feel good,” he said.

Emerson said she concurred with Gill, adding that she was not impressed with the anti-racism staff training that the DSR provided. “To me, this belongs more at the county level than at the city level,” she said. “I think the real work is at the county level.”

[Councilmember Peter] Morton said he would like to see a draft of the permanent committee ordinance and be able to have the privilege to “mark it up” with edits. He encouraged Korrow and Cyr to move ahead with creating the draft for the DSR’s permanent status.

On the Ballot in November 2021 – Langley City Council:

  • Position 1 – Kay Kenneweg vs Harolynne Bobis –Incumbent Christy Korrow not running
  • Position 2 – Rhonda Salerno running unopposed – Incumbent Dominique Emerson not running
  • Position 5 – Tony Gill vs Gail Fleming – Incumbent Peter Morton not running
  • September 17, 2021