SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Students help write zero waste ordinance (AUDIO)

South Whidbey Record

Kira Erickson reports from the Langley City Council meeting on May 16, 2022.

One year after a group of youth leaders convinced the city of Langley to declare a climate emergency, another group of students is tackling the task of writing a zero waste ordinance for the city.

Audio recording of the May 16, 2022 Langley City Council meeting. Discussion of unpermitted tree removal starts at 1:18:09 and lasts for approximately five minutes.

They Said It

“Toward this end, their ordinance will set forth that commercial establishments in the City of Langley will be required to use only compostable products when providing take-out food and straws to their customers,” [Councilmember Rhonda] Salerno wrote in a memo to the council. “It will also require lodging establishments to use only refillable toiletries dispensers for their guests rather than small, individual plastic containers.”

During the May 16 city council meeting, Salerno said the students have received positive remarks from Langley businesses. Many of the lodging establishments have already transitioned to using refillable dispensers for toiletries, with some exemptions for ADA compliance.

“We are jumping just before this is gonna go statewide,” she said. “We’re just a little ahead of the game and small communities like ours that are doing this kind of thing supports the whole state in doing these kinds of ordinances.”

Councilmember Craig Cyr asked if Airbnb hosts have been contacted about the ordinance. Salerno said she did not know how to reach them. Cyr suggested asking the city’s director of community planning to send out a survey.

  • May 20, 2022