SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Town’s restroom lease goes to pot

South Whidbey Record
Coupeville Mayor Molly Hughes

Mayor Molly Hughes announced last week that the town will not be renewing its lease for the restrooms in the Chamber of Commerce building, meaning they will no longer be publicly accessible. She cited several reasons for this. The main reason being that the restrooms are not built with public use in mind and cannot sustain the heavy usage they receive. Repairs and upgrades could easily cost in excess of $50,000. “I cannot spend this much of our taxpayers money on a building the town does not own.” She added, “this type of improvement to a private building would be considered a gift of public funds and is illegal.”

The city will install two portable toilets to help take up the demand. For the rest of the details, please see the story by Karina Andrew in the South Whidbey Record.

  • September 7, 2021