WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: City plans to buy waterfront property (VIDEO)

Whidbey News-Times

Rachel Rosen reports from the Oak Harbor City Council meeting of Tue., Sep. 6, 2022:

The city of Oak Harbor is planning to purchase two parcels of waterfront property on the corner of Pioneer Way and Bayshore Drive for economic development purposes.

Despite not yet having a plan for what the land will be used for, all council members voted to approve the purchase and sale agreement.

Video recording of the Oak Harbor City Council meeting of Tue., Sep. 6, 2022. Discussion of the purchase and sale agreement begins at 1:17:07 and continues for approximately eighteen minutes.

They Said It

Councilmember Dan Evans said he was worried about those environmental issues, as well as the two dilapidated structures and having a plan for the use of the land.

“I’m not a big fan of the city holding real estate just to hold it,” he said.

Councilmember Shane Hoffmire shared a similar sentiment.

“I think economic development should be intentional, not haphazard,” he said. “You know, at times the government has to step up and be part of the solution.”

Councilmember Bryan Stucky asked if there was any realistic use for the parcels at their current size without purchasing the other four lots.

Councilmember Beth Munns agreed that the land was located in a prime location.

“Let’s grab it,” she said. “I mean, you’re not going to get central-downtown district unless you put something into it.”

  • September 9, 2022