WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Munns to release HR investigation (VIDEO)

Whidbey News-Times
Oak Harbor City Council Member Beth Munns
Oak Harbor City Councilwoman Beth Munns

Rachel Rosen reports from the Oak Harbor City Council meeting of Aug. 16, 2022.

Former mayor pro tem Beth Munns plans to publicly release the human resources investigation into an alleged threat she made to City Administrator Blaine Oborn on June 8.

Munns allegedly told City Manager Blaine Oborn that he and Human Resources Director Emma House would be hit or slapped if they attended the memorial service of a city employee who died unexpectedly.

Munns was ultimately stripped of her title as mayor pro tem and now is just a council member.

Video recording of the Oak Harbor City Council Meeting of Aug. 16, 2022. Councilwoman Munns’ statement begins at 56:53 and lasts for approximately two-and-a-half minutes.

They Said It

During the council meeting on Tuesday, [Councilwoman Beth] Munns gave a statement where she said she had spoken with the city attorney and decided to release the investigation, although she did not know when it would be sent out.

“What I’m asking is that you read the whole thing,” Munns said. “Only one side has really been told.”

She once again denied that she had threatened Oborn and said the conversation came out of a concern that Oborn’s presence would cause a scene at the memorial service.

“Mr. Oborn chose to weaponize my concern and unjustly smear me by making a police report and ordering an internal human resources investigation,” Munns said. “I believe this was in retaliation for my support for a no-confidence resolution in him last fall.”

  • August 19, 2022