SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Whidbey’s leisure, hospitality sector seeing worker shortage

South Whidbey Record
Langley Mayor Tim Callison

In a presentation to the Langley city council last week, Inge Morascini, the executive director for the Langley Chamber of Commerce said the spring crowds are placing unprecedented pressure on short-staffed small businesses, especially restaurants, who are having difficulty finding workers. Mayor Tim Callison agreed to her request to review the ordinance that restricts the permitting of food trucks until shortly before the Memorial Day weekend. Kira Erickson has the story outlining the general shortage of workers across Island County.

On the Ballot in 2021: Langley City Councilmembers,

  • Councilmember, Position 1: Christy Korrow
  • Councilmember, Position 2: Dominique Emerson
  • Councilmember, Position 5: Peter Morton

  • April 28, 2021