Contact – Dave Paul

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) posted this to his Facebook page on .
During an election year, there are certain restrictions on my communications to prevent the use of state resources for election purposes. One of these restrictions is a freeze on this Facebook account, meaning the page will not be updated beginning May 6, 2024, until after the general election in November. Per the Legislative Ethics Board, this page is unable to accept comments during this same time period. If you have questions or comments about legislative issues, please feel free to continue to contact me using the link below. Thank you!
Contact Olympia Address 424 John L. O’Brien Building PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504-0600 360-786-7914 Email Dave Legislative Assistant Rachel Campbell Email Rachel Toll-free Hotline 1-800-562-6000 1-800-635-9993 (TTY) Committees Transportation (Vice Chair) Innovation, Community & Economic Developm…