ISLAND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Board Meeting Agenda for Sep. 6, 2022

Island County
Island County

The Island County Commissioners posted the agenda for their Sep. 6, 2022 board meeting. Key items from the agenda are listed below. The meeting will be begin at 10:00 AM in the Board of Commissioners Hearing Room (Room 102B Basement), Island County Annex Building, 1 NE 6th St, Coupeville, WA 98239. The meeting can be attended remotely using this link or by telephone at 1-669-800-5335 using meeting ID 491 987 8603.

Selected Consent Agenda Items

Consent Agenda items will be considered together and will be approved on a single motion typically without discussion. The items proposed for the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and public comments or inquiries are not anticipated. Any item on the Consent Agenda will be moved to the Regular Agenda upon request from any Board Member prior to or during the Board meeting. An item moved to the Regular Agenda will be considered after the Consent Agenda.

County Administration

A waiver of competitive solicitation and agreement with Coldwell Banker 360 Team — Agent Lawrence Walker for exclusive representation on a group of properties that may be good candidates for development as affordable housing

Human Services

A contract with the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs to fund a Veteran Services Officer for Island County for the period Aug. 3, 2022 – Jun. 30, 2023. Amount: $110,000.

A contract amendment with North Sound Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organization (ASO), to provide funding for the Recovery Navigator Program for the period July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. Amount: $528,855.

Another contract amendment with North Sound Behavior Health ASO to add funding for the Co-Responder program and HARPS Housing Subsidy Guidelines. Amount: $335,938.50.

A contract amendment with the Washington State Department of Commerce to provide additional funding to Island County Human Services for eviction rental assistance by paying past due and future rent and utilities. Amount: $538,054.

Public Health

A resolution declaring the threats caused by climate change a priority for Island County and committing the county to certain actions in response.

Regular Agenda Items

Human Services

A transfer option agreement to sell county-owned land located at 820 N. Oak Harbor St., Oak Harbor WA to Shelter Resources, Inc. for the purpose of developing mixed-income affordable housing on the property.

  • September 3, 2022