The Island County Commissioners posted the agenda for their Sep. 21, 2022 work session. Key items from the agenda are listed below. The meeting will be begin at 9:00 AM in the Board of Commissioners Hearing Room (Room 102B Basement), Island County Annex Building, 1 NE 6th St, Coupeville, WA 98239.
- 9:00 AM: Public Works: discussion of requested updates to the 2022 annual construction program; a request for approval on a county road project to stabilize the shoulder on the north lane of Baker Way on Camano Island; an application to open a portion of the county road right-of-way on Ander Park Road, east of Beverly Beach; discussion of the Solid Waste Debris Management Plan, which coordinates efforts to clean-up, remove, and dispose of debris following a major emergency or disaster in Island County.
- 10:00 AM: Auditor: discussion of 2022 “stale” dated warrants (checks issued prior to 2022 that have not yet been cashed).
- 10:10 AM: Treasurer: the September Treasurer’s report; an update on staffing and open hours for the Treasurer’s office.
- 10:30 AM: Health Department/Department of Natural Resources: discussion of an amendment to the Public Health Department’s contract with the state Department of Health to add statements of work for Foundational Public Health Services, increasing the amount to be paid to Island County by $1,600,000 for the period 2022-2024; discussion on an investment grade audit relating to climate.
- 11:30 AM: Human Resources: discussion of a revised personnel, policies, and procedures manual.
- 1:00 PM: Budget/Risk Management: an update on the county’s insurance coverage through the Washington Counties Risk Pool.