ISLAND COUNTY: June 2024 ICD Newsletter

Island County Democrats
Island County Democrats

The Island County Democrats publish a monthly newsletter, which we are posting here. We believe that the statements made by the leadership of each party is of general public interest.

Message from ICD Chair, Jennifer Haase Morris

Navigating the Nuance

I returned from the Washington State Democratic Convention late on Sunday feeling exhausted and energized, confident and anxious, hopeful and fearful. The 10th LD delegates put in long hours of listening, debating and voting to come out with the Washington Democratic Platform – – the set of guideposts for all of us to now work toward turning from words on a page to actions that will advance a body of legislative and grassroots efforts toward safer and more resilient communities across the state.
What landed hard in my heart in the two days of powerful training and conversation was that the strength of the Democratic party can quickly become our Achilles heel. We Democrats deeply appreciate the nuance of the decisions that most of us are called on to make in our daily lives and then suffer through the complicated process of trying to make binary choices as a group.
It’s tricky, isn’t it? We don’t get to select on our ballots that we like 70% of Candidate A and 30% of Candidate B. We get frustrated when an elected official doesn’t take a position on an issue that is important to us and wring our hands deciding whether to endorse them.
We have to navigate the nuance. And we tend to make it harder than it needs to be, and we lose traction in communicating a clear message to voters.
Which is why I appreciate the message from Rachel Bitecofer, Democratic strategist, in her book, Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts. While we tend to want logical, thorough position statements on issues that require lots of details and specifics, the average voter wants the emotional, fifth-grade-level-reading, simple direction on issues.
We were on a path toward greater access to healthcare for women, and the Republicans wants to halt that. The choice is voting for someone who will protect your freedom and fight for healthcare for all or voting to put your health at risk in the hands of a government that may not hold your same values.
The choice in November at the presidential level isn’t really Biden or Trump. It’s freedom or fascism. We can wring our hands about age. We can nuance on what nationwide statistics say about the strength of the economy, but everyone experiences their own reality on the economy while they are buying groceries or figuring out affordable childcare. The Democratic platform starting at the nationwide level through the platform that was just debated by Washington Democrats last weekend keeps us focused on the outcomes that the majority of Americans are seeking. We can nuance the heck out of the path to reach those solutions in our legislatures.
I will admit that I had to delay finishing the writing of this article as I watched the Presidential debate on Thursday evening, and I’m weary this morning.
But I am also resolved. Island County Democrats, we need to stay focused on voting blue from the top of the ticket, through the state races, and the important elections at the county level.
Please join me in your resolve to think about where your time and energy and talents can best be used to ensure that we turn out the vote in August’s Primary Election as we move toward one of the most significant votes of our lifetime in November. 

Messages from the Candidates

Island County Commissioner, District 1

Melanie Bacon

This week, the Clinton Community Council, Sno-Isles Libraries, and the Friends of the Clinton Library sponsored the first forum featuring all four candidates for District 1 County Commissioner. The Clinton Community Hall was packed, with people crowded even in the kitchen and standing in the doors and outside the windows. This was my closing statement:

I’m running for reelection as your Island County Commissioner because there are so many things I’ve been working on that I want to see through to completion. I want to see that elevated boat launch we’re planning at Robinson’s Beach, and the roundabout at Bush Point Road, and the Crawford Road expansion, and the Clinton to Ken’s Corner Trail.

I want to move us through implementation of the new septic-sewer technologies that we’re working on right now, and build an affordable plan for replacing our failing water piping infrastructure.

I want to see our County employees trained to help you in emergencies—and I want to see you and your neighbors trained in how to prepare for emergencies yourselves.

We’re just at the beginning now of building shoreline ecosystem resiliency in response to sea level rise, and implementing carbon reduction actions in response to climate change. I want to see how far I can push those initiatives over the next four years.

I want to see us capture our stormwater runoff to fill our aquifers, instead of letting all that precious water flow out into Puget Sound.

Most of all, I want to guide us through completion of our Comprehensive Plan update, and then adopt the codes needed to protect this treasure, this jewel that we all love so much, in the face of the coming population growth. I committed four years ago that by 2030 there would be more trees in Island County than there were in 2020. That is still my commitment.  I am the only candidate with the knowledge, the experience, and the strategy to protect the magic that is Whidbey and Camano Islands.

Thank you for your support. It is an honor to represent you.

Marie Shimada

June has been a packed month with house parties, a candidate forum, and more union endorsements. I’m so honored to now be endorsed by ICD, National Women’s Political Caucus, UFCW 3000, IBEW Local 191, and SEIU 1199NW. It means so much to me that my pro-worker campaign is being valued by regional stakeholders. I was also proud to walk in both the Coupeville and SW Pride parades this past month, and I look forward to entering the Maxwelton July 4th parade. As I recently stepped down from my job in order to focus solely on my campaign for a better future, July will be full of continued house parties, door knocking, and sign-waving.

Marie Shimada

State Representative, Position 2

Dave Paul

We are talking to voters across the district almost every day.  I’ve heard that folks are most concerned about protecting women’s reproductive rights, supporting the LGBTQ+ community, and addressing affordability and housing costs.

In order to continue fighting for our values and working across the aisle, we need to win this election. With just a little over a month until ballots drop, the time is now to help out the campaign.

We are seeking volunteers to help with doorbelling, hosting events, and to walk with us in parades!

Contact Teresa Addison at [Ed. Note: email link omitted] or 206.817.3533 to sign up or for more info.

Our next Whidbey events include: 

  • 4th of July Parade in Oak Harbor 
  • 4th of July Parade in Arlington
  • July 6 Whidbey Wags Parade in Oak Harbor 
  • July 9 Candidate Forum at Clinton Community Hall 

 As always, it’s an honor to serve as your State Representative. 

State Senator

Janet St Clair

We are asking democratts [sic] to sign up to volunteer on our website (here) or reach out to me at [Ed. Note: email link omitted] or (360) 445-1309.

There are many different ways to get involved between now and the primary election including knocking doors, making phone calls, writing postcards, making a donation and spreading the word among their friends and family. 

US Congress

Rick Larsen

Our Values Are on the Ballot This Fall
With the Republican “Chaos Caucus” choosing gridlock over governance, sometimes people ask me why I still want to serve in Congress. The answer is that I want to keep fighting for our community’s shared values. Those values – reproductive freedom, respect for our veterans, and LGBTQIA+ rights – are on the ballot this year.

We know the Trump Republican agenda. We know that their leadership will diminish reproductive freedom, respect for our veterans, and LGBTQIA+ rights. And we know that with Democratic leadership in Congress and the White House, we can do the opposite:

  • Democrats will pass the Women’s Health Protection Act to codify Roe v. Wade;
  • Democrats will expand services for our veterans to make sure they get the healthcare, housing, and job training they need; and
  • Democrats will fight housing, education, and employment discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people.

The stakes could not be higher in this election, and everyone has a role to play in fighting for our shared values. Knocking on doors, donating a few bucks, and talking to your friends and family about voting are all ways that you can make a difference.

If you want to protect reproductive freedom, respect for our veterans, and LGBTQIA+ rights, then it’s time to get in the fight. It would be an honor to have you on Team Larsen – you can sign up to volunteer with my campaign here:

Thank you for your ongoing support!
Email: [Ed. Note: email link omitted]

News from the Washington State Democratic Party

We are still buzzing from our biennial Washington State Democratic Party Convention which was held from 21-23 June. We spent the weekend strategizing to win in November, building party unity, and defining the issues that will lead to our success, in quite stark contrast to the unproductive and rancorous Republican state convention earlier this year.

Our Island County Delegates gathered with some 1023 delegates (703 in person) representing legislative districts across Washington in Bellevue to talk election strategy, define strategic communications and messaging, throw support behind candidates, and finalize the party’s platform. Of note, we also debated our official positions on the war in Gaza and nuclear power’s role in a greener energy future.

Party chair Shasti Conrad acknowledged that Democrats are taking a defensive stance this year, as Republicans in the state set their sights on the governor’s office and three initiatives aiming to repeal policies championed by Democrats. We echo the sentiments of our Party leaders that we must elect a Democratic governor, preserve our state-wide majorities, protect abortion and Democracy, and defeat Donald Trump as we head into the final months of this election season.

We will cover more specifics at our next General Meeting so be sure to tune in. 

– Marti Anamosa and Albert Ondo, your WSD State Committee Persons


Your generous contributions will directly help ICD:

  • Host local community education and information events
  • Coordinate local Democratic Party volunteers activities
  • Train and inspire PCOs to action
  • Provide tools, materials and space for local Democratic Party planning and organizing

For the biggest bang for your buck, mail your checks to:

[Ed. Note: donation information omitted]

[Editorial Policy: The Voter Interests Project is a non-partisan organization. Part of our mission is to keep voters informed about the activities of elected officials and candidates for public office. We do not endorse or support any particular candidates; therefore, we omit all email links and donation links from candidate communications to supporters. If you are interested in supporting a candidate, we recommend you contact the candidate or their campaign directly.]

  • June 29, 2024