ISLAND COUNTY: Letter: Voters should get to vote on fireworks ban (WANDA GRONE/WNT)

Whidbey News-Times
Former Island County Treasurer Wanda Grone (R)
Langley Finance Director (and former Island County Treasurer) Wanda Grone

Wanda Grone, the Finance Director for the City of Langley and former Island County Treasurer, wrote a letter to the editor regarding the fireworks ban proposed for unincorporated Island County. The letter was published in the Sat., Jul. 1, 2023 edition of the Whidbey News-Times.

They Said It

I support a modification of fireworks laws and restrictions on the days that fireworks can legally be used. Public displays by cities and large organizations celebrating the birth of our country and the passing of the old year to the new one are enjoyable, but terrifying our pets and wildlife and endangering fire in dry vegetation is not part of the celebration.

Thinking that conservative folks do not want any restrictions on fireworks and that this follows political party lines is simply not true…. Put this to a public vote and/or allow each district to determine the desire for restrictions.

  • July 1, 2023