ISLAND COUNTY: Request for Public Input: Public Works Improvement Programs


Island County sent out this email on Thu., Mar. 31, 2022

To All Interested Parties,

Public Works is in the process of preparing the following outyear programs:

  • Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2023-2028
  • Six-Year Capital Improvement Program 2023-2028
  • Annual Road Construction Program 2023

The public at large is invited to submit suggestions for improvements to the following categories:

County BuildingsTrailsEconomic Development Projects
Parks and RecreationRoadsParking
SeptageSolid WasteSurface Water Management

All suggestions will be taken into consideration in the preparation of the programs.

Please forward your response to Ed Sewester, P.E., Island County Assistant County Engineer at by April 29, 2022.

  • March 31, 2022