MELANIE BACON: A Message from Commissioner Bacon Regarding Low Income Housing

Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley)
Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley)
Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley)

Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley) sent the following newsletter on Tue., Jun. 14, 2022.

Hello everyone,

The county is in conversation with Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) to assist them to purchase the Harbor Inn in Freeland to use for supportive and transitional housing. This would be not be overnight transient housing—it would be housing for people who are working to lift themselves up, and just need a little assistance to move forward toward a better life.

There are a lot of rumors going around the community about this project, so I put together these FAQs:

  • The people who would be housed under this project would be Island County residents who need supportive or transitional housing. Some examples:
    • Mother and kids leaving a domestic violence situation
    • People who have successfully completed rehabilitation and need a clean and sober place to stay
    • People who are losing their apartments due to rent increases and face living in their cars
  • Island County Human Services would screen applicants and make the referrals to LIHI.
  • There is no plan to add additional units to the number of units already available at the motel.
  • Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) would manage the housing, including providing maintenance, janitorial, landscaping, front desk, and security services.
  • A case manager/social worker would be on-site to provide supporting services to the residents.
  • The county is insistent that this facility remain a clean, drug-free, well-landscaped asset to the community, and LIHI also wants this as a good neighbor providing a needed service to residents of our community.
  • LIHI would form a Community Advisory Committee to bring Freeland neighbors, businesses, and community members together to meet with LIHI staff and residents on a regular monthly basis to discuss how the program is going.
  • If the septic drain field is deemed inadequate by the county, LIHI would acquire another property to provide a drain field.
  • State/Federal funds are available for transitioning motels and hotels into supportive housing. That’s where the county’s share of the project would come from.

There are many, many steps to go through before this project can become a reality, including numerous opportunities for community meetings and comments. The County is still doing its own due diligence on a variety of issues before we sign an agreement. I am holding a community meeting this Thursday, June 16th at 5:00 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church in Freeland to give concerned citizens an opportunity to ask questions directly of representatives from Island County’s Public Health, Planning, and Human Services departments.



  • June 14, 2022