WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Four county officials fined for public disclosure violations

Whidbey News-Times

Three current Island County elected officials and former Island County Superior Court Judge Vickie Churchill were fined by the Public Disclosure Commission last week for failing to file F-1 reports that cover personal financial information. The Island County officials are Whidbey Island Hospital Commissioner Nancy Fey, Oak Harbor Councilmember Erica Wasinger, and an unnamed Camano Island fire commissioner. See the story by Jessie Stensland in the Whidbey News-Times for all the details.

On the Ballot in November 2021:

  • Position 4 – Dan Evans vs Stephanie “Fe” Mischo – Incumbent Erica Wasinger not running
  • Position 5 – Incumbent Joel Servatius vs Shane Hoffmire
  • Position 6 – Incumbent Jim Woessner running unopposed
  • Position 7 – Andy Plumlee vs Bryan Stucky – Incumbent Millie Goebel not running
  • Position 2 – Incumbent Kurt Blankenship vs James Golder
  • Camano Island Fire District:
  • Position 1 – Kim Williams
  • Position 3 – “Kelly” William Yadon
  • Position 5 – Incumbent Janice Treml running unopposed
  • July 20, 2021