COUPEVILLE: Coaches ask for pay reductions amid budget cuts

Luisa Loi reports from the Coupeville School District for the Whidbey News-Times.
To save athletic programs from imminent budget cuts, Coupeville School District’s coaches are willingly sacrificing their bonuses and part of their stipends.
On May 23, Athletic Director Willie Smith and his successor, Brad Sherman, wrote a letter to Superintendent Steve King asking for the district to reduce coaching stipends by 10% — or by about $12,000 — and to eliminate post-season bonus pay for eligible coaches — about $8,000.
“We believe our sports programs and activities provide a strong connection and partnership with this community, and it’s part of what makes Coupeville very special,” they wrote.…
The district, which is bracing to end the school year with a negative fund balance, is expecting to cut $1.66 million from the 2024-25 budget in order to restore the fund balance to 6%, as discussed in previous school board meetings.
Last month, the board approved a controversial modified education plan that eliminates six certificated staff positions — by attrition and layoffs.