COUPEVILLE: Sep. 26, 2024 School Board Meeting [VIDEO]

Coupeville School District

Video recording of the Coupeville School District board meeting of Sep. 26, 2024. The meeting lasted approximately one hour and thirteen minutes.

The Coupeville School District board of directors held their regular meeting at 5:30 PM on Thu., Sep. 26, 2024 in the Kathleen Anderson Board Room at the Coupeville School District building, 501 S Main St, Coupeville, WA 98239. Key items from the agenda included:

  •  Reports and Communication
    •      Strategic Plan Report – Promote Student and Staff Well-being – Shannon Leatherwood
    •      Administrator Report
    •      Business Manager Report
    •      Superintendent Report
    •      Board Members Report
    •      Correspondence – ​​​​​​None
  • New Business
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5000 – Recruitment and Selection of Employees – Update of language, Essential WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5001 – Hiring of Retired School Employees – Update of language, Essential WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5006 – Certification Revocation – Renumbering of CSD Policy 5144, update of language, Encouraged WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5010 – Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action – Update of language, Encouraged WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5011 – Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of District Staff Prohibited – Renumbering of CSD Policy 5142, update of language, Essential WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5021 – Conflicts Between Policy and Bargaining Agreements – New Policy to CSD, Discretionary WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5050 – Contracts – Renumbering of CSD Policy 5120, update of language, Essential WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5161 – Civility in the Workplace – New Policy to CSD, Discretionary WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5201 – Drug-Free Schools, Community and Workplace – Renumbering of CSD Policy 5140, Essential WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5231 – Length of Workday – Renumbering of CSD Policy 5113, update of language, Discretionary WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5240 – Evaluations of Staff – Renumbering of CSD Policy 5130, update of language, Essential WSSDA Policy
    • Approve First Reading of Policy 5409 – Unpaid Holidays for Reason of Faith or Conscience – New Policy to CSD, Essential WSSDA Policy

The full agenda with supporting documents can be accessed via this link.

  • September 26, 2024