COUPEVILLE: The Current – News for January 2024 (PoC)

The Port of Coupeville publishes an electronic newsletter for the community to stay updated on events, news, and projects at both the Coupeville Wharf and Greenbank Farm. Click here to receive future issues as well as important dates and information on upcoming events and meetings. Ed. Note: We reprint those portions of The Current pertinent to the activities of the Port Commission. For the full contents of the current edition of the newsletter, click this link.
Community News
Interested in Serving as a Port Commissioner?

The Port of Coupeville Board is looking for a registered voter who lives in Port District #3 (in orange on map) who wants to contribute to the future of the Port.
New important Port projects are: working to restore the Coupeville Wharf and Greenbank Farm, and a new Broadband Project is underway to serve the public, provide jobs, and produce income for Port operations. Please apply to be considered to join the vibrant Board that is working to secure the future of the Port’s mission to serve the people! Just send your resumé to
This commission seat will serve with two other Port Commissioners. Incoming Commissioner Marianne Burr was elected in November, she represents District 1 and began service jan 1st. See a note from her below. And Commissioner Mishasek continues his term representing District 2.
Port of Coupeville News
Message From New Port of Coupeville Commissioner
Hi! I’m Marianne Burr. I’ve lived here in Central Whidbey for 40 years and have been attending Port of Coupeville meetings regularly since there was a threat of a Greenbank Farm sale in 2015.
I was instrumental in forming the Crockett Lake Water District in 1985, and I’ve been one of the three Commissioners there in many of the years since.
I bring my love of the Wharf and the Farm, along with my elected office experience to help restore our historic icons while the Port moves forward with its Broadband service to make high speed internet available to Port subscribers. Our Port is growing in its mission to the public to be much more than it has ever been before. With the interest and support of the public, our Port will continue to be the face of the Central Whidbey economy. And our “face” will be wearing a smile!
The 2023 election was the time when no candidates for my Port District appeared during the regular filing period, so I decided it was my time to use what I’d learned about the Port and go to work serving the whole Port District. I am honored to have been chosen by the voters.
I’m here now and I would love to hear from you all. You can speak at a meeting or send me an email. Get all the info you will need to connect on the Port web site:
Upcoming Events
Port of Coupeville Board Meetings
Zoom Conference Call. For instructions on participating, visit the Port website here:
Wed, Jan 10, 10:00 a.m. Port of Coupeville Commission Meeting
Wed, Jan 24, 1:00 p.m. Port of Coupeville Commission Meeting
Wed, Feb 14, 10:00 a.m. Port of Coupeville Commission Meeting
Wed, Feb 28, 1:00 p.m. Port of Coupeville Commission Meeting
Stay updated on all of our upcoming events by checking our events calendar.