DAVE PAUL: Celebrating the Importance of Labor

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

Rep. Dave Paul’s campaign email account (dave@votedavepaul.com) sent the following email on Mon. Sep. 6, 2021:


This Labor Day, please join me in celebrating the importance of unions and collective bargaining to our nation. My appreciation of unions is practically woven into my DNA. I grew up in a union family: my father was a shop steward (Professional & Technical Employees Local 17), and I’m a previous member of UFCW 21.

Our country was built on the strength of public goods like education, roads and highways, and a social safety net. The Democratic Party played a central role in instituting many programs and policies that Americans take for granted, such as civil rights, Social Security, the 40-hour work week, environmental and food safety, and–most recently–the Affordable Care Act and marriage equality.

These very policies would not exist today if it wasn’t for the hard work of unions. Our communities and nation are stronger when we have a healthy economy that provides equitable opportunities to all–not just the wealthy and those who have access to ample resources. Too often, those without political power are marginalized and suffer economic and societal injustices, including lack of access to good schools, living-wage jobs, and affordable healthcare and housing. Unions play a critical role in helping to ensure those without political power have a seat at the table.

This Labor Day, I encourage you to reflect on the importance of unions and collective-bargaining rights in reducing income inequalities, protecting workers, and ensuring all in our community have voice in the political process.

As always, it’s an honor to serve as your representative.



(Editor’s Note: donation link omitted here.)

  • September 6, 2021