DAVE PAUL: Exciting News About College Affordability and Summer Running Start

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) and student
State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor), sent out the following email on Sat., Jun. 4, 2022.


As a Legislator, one of my top priorities is to strengthen dual-credit programs like Running Start, CTE Dual Credit, and College in the High School. These are proven, cost-effective programs that allow students to earn college credit will still in high school.   

All three programs help reduce the cost of college and student debt while helping students get to family-wage jobs sooner.   

This past session, I introduced legislation to expand Running Start to the summer quarter. This would allow students to take college courses outside of the traditional academic year and truly get a running start on their education. 

I’m pleased to report that the Legislature funded my request, and—for the first time—high school students are eligible for summer Running Start. That means that students can take tuition-free college courses this summer, helping their families save hundreds or even thousands of dollars. 

Current high school sophomores (Class of 2024) and juniors (Class of 2023) can participate this summer in Running Start. Additionally, many graduating seniors (Class of 2022) can participate if they are current Running Start students and close to earning their Associate in Arts degree.  

Registration has already begun for classes this summer and fall at local colleges. With summer break approaching fast, be sure to connect with your high school counselor soon to take advantage of this great opportunity. You can also connect with your local community college to learn more about how to participate in the Running Start this summer or fall. 

As always, it’s an honor to serve.  



[Ed. Note: donation link omitted.]

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  • June 4, 2022