DAVE PAUL: Resources for our friends and neighbors

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

Rep. Dave Paul’s campaign email account (dave@votedavepaul.com) sent the following email on Sun. Nov. 21, 2021:


I know many of you were directly affected by last week’s powerful storms. Many is our community experienced significant flooding, while others were endangered by gale-force winds, falling trees, and downed power lines.  

There are resources available to help families and businesses recovering from the storms and flooding. 

There are also good resources available to preparing for future flooding and disasters, including better understanding what risks your community might face. 

You can find a host of good information on disaster assessment and preparedness with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Click here to access their site: Emergency Preparedness | WA – DNR

You can learn more about Federal flood resources here: FloodSmart | The National Flood Insurance Program 

With the Thanksgiving Holiday fast approaching, I’m reminded that there is much for which to be grateful. Local, state, and federal officials and first-responders worked quickly to alert residents of danger and keep residents safe. 

In addition, the City of Mount Vernon—with the help of state and federal partners—completed a flood wall in 2019. The wall was successful in preventing major flooding in downtown Mount Vernon. Without that infrastructure, the community of Mount Vernon would have even more property damage and economic devastation.  

I hope you and your family have a safe Thanksgiving holiday. 

As always, it is an honor to serve as your State Representative. 



[Ed. Note: Donation link omitted here.]

  • November 21, 2021