DAVE PAUL: Strengthening Educational Pathways to Family Wage Jobs

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

Rep. Dave Paul’s campaign email account (dave@votedavepaul.com) sent the following email on Sun., Jan. 30, 2022:

Dear Friends,

As your Legislator, one of my top priorities is to strengthen dual-credit programs like Running Start, CTE Dual Credit, and College in the High School. These are proven, cost-effective programs that allow students to earn college credit while still in high school.

All three programs reduce the cost of college and student debt while helping students get to family-wage jobs sooner.

Unfortunately, we know that many working families and students of color are less likely to participate in these programs because of the costs of tuition, fees, and books. This isn’t equitable, and I sponsored House Bill 1760 this year to expand access to Running Start and College in the High School.

House Bill 1760 will: 

  • Eliminate the tuition, fees, and textbook costs for Running Start and College in the High School for students who qualify for free-and-reduced lunch or the Washington College Grant 
  • Make permanent the summer Running Start program created by my previous legislation (House Bill 2864) 
  • Ensure families receive better information about all dual credit programs offered by their high schools 

This is landmark legislation that will significantly improve opportunities for high school students to earn college credit. I’m excited to report that House Bill 1760 was reported out of the Education Committee last week with bipartisan support—and it’s now headed to the Appropriations Committee.

I’ve also sponsored House Bill 1805 to expand the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship and better connect rural residents to apprenticeship programs. House Bill 1805 will also help more nurses earn an advanced nursing degree—this is critical to helping with the shortage of healthcare workers.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time over the last year to meet or email me about your policy priorities, feedback, and legislative ideas. As always, it is an honor to serve as your representative.



  • January 30, 2022