OAK HARBOR: June 10, 2024 School Board Meeting [VIDEO]

Oak Harbor School District

Video recording of the Oak Harbor School District board meeting of June 10, 2024. The meeting lasted approximately two-and-a-half hours.

The Oak Harbor School District board of directors held their regular meeting at 6:00 PM on Mon., June 10, 2024 in the Administrative Service Center board room, 350 S. Oak Harbor St, Oak Harbor, WA 98277. Key items from the agenda included:

  • Superintendent’s Report. The Superintendent will share information about various topics pertaining to the district.
  • OHPS Strategic Plan 2024-2030 Presentation. (presentation)
  • Board Policy Updates First Reading. Assistant Superintendent Dwight Lundstrom will present updates to the following board policies as a first reading. (presentation) (memorandum)
    • 2022/2022P Electronic Resources and Internet Safety
    • 2023 Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy
    • 3110/3110P Qualifications of Attendance and Placement
    • 3131P District Attendance Area Transfers
    • 3141 Nonresident Students
  • Legislative Update. Current Legislative topics and information will be discussed.
  • Board Comments: The board has the opportunity to share general comments.
  • Superintendent Comments: The superintendent has the opportunity to make closing comments.
  • Executive Session. Evaluate the Performance of the Superintendent

The full agenda with supporting documents can be accessed via this link.

  • June 10, 2024