SOUTH WHIDBEY FIRE/EMS DISTRICT: New South Whidbey fire chief outlines plans for district (SWR)

South Whidbey Record
South Whidbey Fire/EMS Chief Nicholas Walsh
South Whidbey Fire/EMS Chief Nicholas Walsh

Kira Erickson reports from the Freeland Chamber of Commerce meeting on Tue. Jan. 24, 2023.

In the new year, South Whidbey Fire/EMS has big plans to increase fire safety in the community.

Fire Chief Nicholas Walsh shared this news along with an overview of the fire department during a meeting of the Freeland Chamber of Commerce this week…. Walsh said the district’s big focus in 2023 is fire prevention and community risk reduction, areas that the Survey and Ratings Bureau identified were deficient in the past.

  • January 27, 2023