SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Kennedy pulls ahead in Port of Coupeville race

South Whidbey Record

Patrick Kennedy successfully ran against Mike Seraphinoff for the vacant district 3 seat on the Port of Coupeville Board of Commissioners. In a statement, he said he would “earn your trust as a steward of our heritage sites and, as importantly, through activities to promote the economic well-being of our community.” He also said, “My thanks as well to Mike Seraphinoff, who stepped up to contribute great ideas into this discussion.” For more details, see the story by Karina Andrew in the South Whidbey Record.

Seraphinoff, in a separate Letter to the Editor, thanked “all who supported” his run for the position. He also went on to say, among other things, that “in light of the most recent revelations from the ongoing litigation over Navy flight training, the Navy officials responsible for training should rethink their plans for the OLF and beyond. You really must stop hurting the children and other living things in our region through your irresponsible training flights.”

  • November 10, 2021