SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Pool project gets state grant

South Whidbey Record

Kira Erickson reports:

A proposed aquatic facility for South Whidbey just received the first piece of its funding.

The proposed pool was recently awarded a $400,000 grant as an alternative finance project listed in the supplemental state capital budget. The wellness center, which will be owned and operated by the South Whidbey Parks and Recreation District, is one of 11 projects in the 10th Legislative District to be included.

They Said It

“They’ve done a very good job about being proactive and bringing legislators down, systematically preparing for this supplemental session,” [Rep. Dave] Paul said.

“They’ve got a great group of people that are involved and I think it has potential,” [Sen. Ron] Muzzall said.

Matt Simms, a commissioner for the parks and rec board, said the funds will go toward initial designs of the pool but likely won’t cover all planning. By law, a certain percentage of funding must be spent on design costs. “We are indebted to them for their support,” he said of the local representatives.

  • March 18, 2022