WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES: Hospital restructures amid tumult

Whidbey News-Times

Jessie Stensland reports:

In the midst of turmoil from a no-confidence vote and the firing of executives, WhidbeyHealth administration last week released a brief statement on its restructuring plan. The release states that the public hospital district’s “strategic organizational restructuring” was implemented in an effort to improve the district’s long-term financial sustainability. “The restructuring included a reduction in the executive leadership team structure as well as other adjustments to staffing levels throughout the organization,” according to the statement.

…The hospital board met with members of the medical staff in closed-door executive session last week. Monday night, they met in executive session again to discuss the performance of a hospital employee and evaluate complaints against that employee.

No action has been taken by the board.

  • February 15, 2022