ELECTIONS 2024: Earning the support of WCA on Earth Day (JANET ST. CLAIR)

Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair (D-Camano Island), who is running for the State Senate seat from the 10th Legislative District, sent this email to supporters on Mon., Apr. 22, 2024.
Happy Earth Day! As we celebrate the grassroots action that led to an international environmental movement, I am so proud and honored to share the endorsement of Washington Conservation Action.
Will you join WCA and other climate advocates by supporting my campaign with a contribution of $22, $222 or whatever you are able to contribute today?
[Ed. Note: donation link omitted.]
As a passionate believer in the value of education and policy to shape environmental protections, the affirmation by WCA means so much to me. I have been active on environmental policy through my work as Executive Director for Sound Water Stewards and as a County Commissioner working with the Puget Sound Partnership Ecosystem Coordination Board and Salmon Recovery Council. I’m proud of our work to partner to protect salmon and our iconic Southern Resident Orca. I’ve worked to support shoreline restoration and strengthen county land use policies and incentives that value conservation, upland protections, and nearshore health. I was excited to participate in the final stages of restoration efforts such as Kristofferson Creek, Leque Island and Cornet Bay.
I have worked on clean air and clean water through my roles as a County Commissioner. I led our county efforts to study and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promoted the effort by students and advocates to pass a Climate Resolution in Island County. I will be your voice for conservation, environmental protection, and climate resiliency when I am serving in Olympia.
My opponent has consistently voted against environmental priorities including:
2021- Voted against the Climate Commitment Act, Clean Fuel Standards, Plastics Bill and the HEAL Act.
2022- Voted against the Community Solar Bill and a major clean transportation package, Move Ahead Washington.
2023- Voted against HB 1181 which added land use protections and climate goals into comprehensive planning for GMA. He voted against the Orca Protection Act…the same year we lost Lolita, also known as Tokitae, before she could return to her Salish Sea home.
2024- Voted against a bill banning pesticides that kills pollinators, against HB 1589 to support a clean energy economy, and has doubled down on his opposition to the Climate Commitment Act which builds a strong economy, increases ferry funding and new infrastructure investments.
Thank you for supporting a Washington for today and for generations to come.
State Senator: Ron Muzzall (R-Oak Harbor) Muzzall filed with the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) in Jan. 2021. Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair (D-Camano Island) filed with the PDC in Jan. 2024. |
State Representative, Position 1: Clyde Shavers (D-Oak Harbor) Shavers filed with the PDC in Feb. 2023. Carrie Kennedy (R-Oak Harbor), who ran for Congress in 2022, filed in Dec. 2023. Arlington City Councilor Yvonne Gallardo (R-Arlington) filed in Jan. 2024. |
State Representative, Position 2: Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) Paul filed with the PDC in Jan. 2023. |
[Editorial Policy: The Voter Interests Project is a non-partisan organization. Part of our mission is to keep voters informed about the activities of elected officials and candidates for public office. We do not endorse or support any particular candidates; therefore, we omit all email links and donation links from candidate communications to supporters. If you are interested in supporting a candidate, we recommend you contact the candidate or their campaign directly.]