DAVE PAUL: February Midsession Update

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

Rep. Dave Paul’s campaign email account (dave@votedavepaul.com) sent the following email on Wed., Feb. 16, 2022:

Dear Friends,

We are more than halfway done with the 2022 legislative session. I’m working hard to advance policies that put your priorities first, represent the values of our community, and help improve affordability for individuals and families across our district.

There is a lot of good news for families and residents in the 10th District. Here is a quick look at important policies that have passed the House and will make a meaningful difference if they get signed into law.

The House has passed several policies that strengthen our schools. I’ve heard from so many of you about the importance of having more nurses and counselors in schools to better support students. House Bill 1664 provides greater funding for these critical staff that help students both inside and outside the classroom.

In addition, House Bill 1162 establishes a pathway to graduation that emphasizes competency-based learning. This new pathway will allow districts to develop graduation requirements that focus on ensuring students have mastered a subject area—instead of relying on less on high-stakes tests.

You know how important it is to follow the directions on your prescription medication. For our neighbors who are blind or don’t speak English, that lifesaving information isn’t available to them. House Bill 1852 sets up a process for the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission to provide critical safety information translated into five languages and for the blind.

Several bills help improve public safety. House Bill 1901 consolidates and streamlines protections across jurisdictions and court systems to better help and support survivors of domestic violence. The House has also taken swift action to address the rash of catalytic converter thefts with House Bill 1815.

Scientists know that perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals are extremely harmful to humans, yet they are still found in a host of consumer products including children’s clothing. House Bill 1694 accelerates our state’s work to find alternatives to these chemicals and better protect children, our community, and the environment.

While all of the above bill are priority legislation of the Democratic majority, I’m pleased to report that all of the above bills passed with bipartisan support.

Finally, do you hate spam calls? I think everyone does. This problem is so bad that many of us let all calls go to voicemail if we don’t recognize the number. House Bill 1650 strengthens consumer protections against automated phone calls, texts, and emails. That’s welcome news for us all.

As always, it’s an honor to serve as your representative.



  • February 16, 2022