DAVE PAUL: We have good news…

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)
State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) sent out the following email from his campaign account on Sun., Oct. 23, 2022.


The good news is that ballots are out. The bad news is that outside groups are literally pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into our district in hopes of flipping our seat—and roll back protections for women’s reproductive health, the LGBTQ community, and the environment.

We need to raise $5600 in the next two weeks to fully implement our voter outreach plan—and keep your voice represented in Olympia. Can you help us today?

[Ed. Note: donation link omitted.]

You know what’s at stake. State legislatures across the country are repealing reproductive rights, and my opponent is supported by groups that want to do that in Washington. And you’ve seen that they will do whatever it takes to elect someone who will support their extremist agenda.  

[Ed. Note: donation link omitted.]

We know this election will be very close, and every vote will count. Please vote as soon as you can. As always, it’s an honor to serve. 



[Editorial Policy: The Voter Interests Project is a non-partisan organization. Part of our mission is to keep voters informed about the activities of elected officials and candidates for public office. We do not endorse or support any particular candidates; therefore, we omit all email links and donation links from candidate communications to supporters. If you are interested in supporting a candidate, we recommend you contact the candidate or their campaign directly.]

On The Ballot in November 2022

State Representative, LD 10, Posn 1
Clyde Shavers (D-Oak Harbor)
Greg Gilday (R-Camano Island), the incumbent
State Representative, LD 10, Posn 2
Karen Lesetmoe (R-Oak Harbor)
Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor), the incumbent
Candidates for Legislative District 10 offices. Candidates are listed in the order in which they will appear on the ballot.
  • October 23, 2022