LEGISLATURE 2023-24: Exciting Opportunity (DAVE PAUL)

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)
State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor)

State Representative Dave Paul (D-Oak Harbor) sent out the following fundraising email from his campaign account on Wed., Jun. 21, 2023.


We have an exciting announcement– community leader Bob Hallahan has offered to match donations up to $1000. For 24 hours, you can now double your impact because of Bob’s generous gift.

We know the 10th will be the number one target of State Republicans. Help us get a head start for our next campaign by donating today.

[Ed. Note: links to contribute $25, $50, or $100 omitted.]

We passed a number of groundbreaking bills this session, including banning the sale of assault weapons, ensuring Washingtonians have access to reproductive care, and lowering the costs of healthcare and prescription drugs. We can only continue this work and protect our priroties [sic] by protecting the 10th.

[Ed. Note: donation link omitted.]

A big thank you to Bob Hallahan for offering to match donations–we truly appreciate the support.

As always, it’s an honor to serve.



[Ed. Note. Mr. Hallahan is a director on the Oak Harbor School Board.]

[Editorial Policy: The Voter Interests Project is a non-partisan organization. Part of our mission is to keep voters informed about the activities of elected officials and candidates for public office. We do not endorse or support any particular candidates; therefore, we omit all email links and donation links from candidate communications to supporters. If you are interested in supporting a candidate, we recommend you contact the candidate or their campaign directly.]

  • June 21, 2023