OAK HARBOR SCHOOL DISTRICT: Bond measure fails to get supermajority (WNT)

Whidbey News-Times
Oak Harbor School District Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula
Oak Harbor School District Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula

Jessie Stensland reports in the Whidbey News-Times.

Oak Harbor Public Schools’ $121 million bond measure failed to get a supermajority vote in the Feb. 14 special election.

The measure would have funded the replacement of three aging schools and enhanced safety throughout the district. Just over 55% of voters cast ballots in favor of the measure. While it was shy of the required 60% supermajority, it was a significant increase from a larger bond measure that was on the ballot a year ago and received less than 45% approval.

They Said It

In a statement, Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula said the school board faces difficult decisions in the future.

“We cannot give up on our students,” she said. “We will continue to shake the trees, engage in critical conversations and confront misconceptions within our community about bonds, school governance, and embrace those who have rolled up their sleeves to help us with the heavy lifting.”

In her statement, Kuss-Cybula pointed to low voter turnout as a factor in the election. Overall voter turnout was only 35%, with only 39% of eligible parents voting and 74% of eligible district staff voting, the district reported.

Kuss-Cybula wrote that delaying the projects will only cost the district, and taxpayers, more in the future. The aging and overcrowded elementary schools, she said, will continue to depreciate in time and the cost of replacing them will continue to escalate.

“The costs associated with constantly fixing and maintaining our buildings will continue to drain our resources and funds that could go towards improving student learning outcomes,” she wrote.

In addition, safety continues to be a “heightened priority” for the community, she said.

Ed. Note: Superintendent Kuss-Cybula’s full statement can be found at this link.

  • February 17, 2023