SOUTH WHIDBEY: Sound Off: School bond is an investment in student safety (JOE GREENHERON/WNT)

Whidbey News-Times
South Whidbey School District Director Joe Greenheron
South Whidbey School District Director Joe Greenheron

South Whidbey School District Director Joe Greenheron wrote a Sound Off column for the South Whidbey Record urging voters to support the district’s bond measure in November. Greenheron’s column appeared in the paper’s Aug. 5, 2023 edition.

They Said It

School districts receive most of their revenue from the state, which funds teachers, nurses and supplies. Conversely, significant infrastructure projects are typically financed through bonds or levies. The major projects our district needs to complete would require multiple levies, so the school district is issuing a bond, its first in a generation.

In April, a similar bond attempt fell just short of the required 60% supermajority. The upcoming bond is a slightly smaller amount, but remains focused on critical projects for building longevity and students’ health: urgent repairs; accessible bathrooms and playgrounds; and compliance with energy-efficiency standards...

I urge you to join me in voting yes on the school bond in November….

On the Ballot in 2023

Director, Position 1
Joe Greenheron, the incumbent
Director, Position 3
Brook Willeford, the incumbent
Director, Position 4 (At Large)
Marnie Jackson, the incumbent
Proposition No. 1
General Obligation Bonds – $79,800,000.00
Candidates are listed in the order in which they will appear on the ballot.
  • August 5, 2023