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Island County Commissioners – Roundtable
February 25 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

The Island County Commissioners meet with other county elected officials and the heads of the various departments on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Meetings are available remotely. Those interested in attending the meetings via computer, tablet or smartphone may use the following login information:
- Log on to https://zoom.us/j/92450899392?pwd=VFdQUXQ0QjFiOFV0bFIvZUw4SldRdz09
- Enter the Meeting ID: 924 5089 9392
- Enter the Meeting Passcode: 203210
- Or, call in (audio only): 1-253-215-8782, ID 934 9486 5738#, Passcode 203210
Meetings are taped and recordings are posted as soon as possible following the meetings.
If you have difficulty accessing the recordings please contact Jennifer Roll, Clerk of the Board, by calling (360) 679-7354.