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Langley City Council – Special Meeting
September 19, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Langley City Council will be held on September 19, 2022 from 10am – 12pm to take a guided site walk through of the proposed Coles Valley PUD application site. The meeting will be primarily held on site, but a zoom option will also be offered for those who must attend remotely. Due to cell coverage limitations, the zoom stream may be unreliable, and it is recommended interested parties attend in person if possible. If possible, the meeting might also be video recorded for those who cannot attend.
Members of the public are invited to attend and listen, however time will not be provided at this meeting for comments and questions from the public. As a quasi-judicial decision, state law only allows for one public hearing to be held on the Coles Valley PUD application. Langley Municipal Code Chapter 18.26 provides for that public hearing to occur before the Hearing Examiner. Public comments on the application can be made via email or letter to the Planning Department throughout the application process and during the 14-day public comment period, or verbally in front of the Hearing Examiner during the public hearing. The 14-day public comment period and public hearing will be noticed on the City’s website, via email to the Planning Department email list, posted to the bulletin boards in front of city hall and at the post office, posted on the site, published in the newspaper, and mailed to adjacent property owners.
Additional information regarding the meeting, including directions to the parking site for the walkthrough, can be found at this link. The Zoom webinar can be viewed using this link.