HOSPITAL DISTRICT: Board Agenda for WhidbeyHealth – November 2023 (WIPHD)

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On Fri., Nov. 10, 2023, WhidbeyHealth emailed the agenda for the regularly-scheduled board meeting of the Hospital District board of commissioners. The meeting will be held from 12:00 – 2:00 PM on Tue., Nov. 14, 2023 in the Health Education Center, Rooms A & B, at Whidbey Medical Center, 101 N. Main St in Coupeville and via Zoom webinar.

  • Consent Agenda (President Golder)
    • Approval of October 19, 2023 Board Meeting minutes
    • Approval of November 2, 2023 Special Session minutes
    • Approval of November 3, 2023 Special Session minutes
  • Presentation of Preliminary 2024 Budget (President Golder)
    • Presentation of 2024 Budget (Paul Rogers)
    • Public Hearing on proposed WhidbeyHealth budget for 2024
  • Call to Order/Points of Order (President Wallin)
    • Resolution #459 – Approving Board Meeting Dates for 2024
    • Resolution #460 – Approving the 2024 budget
    • Resolution #461 – Approving 2024 Hospital Levy
    • Resolution #462 – Approving 2024 EMS Levy
  • Public Comments
  • Medical Staff Report (Dr. David Lemme)
    • Chief of Staff Report
  • HealthTech Report (HealthTech Representative)
  • Foundation Report (Samar Arny)
  • Staff and Status Reports from Administration
    • Quality and Compliance Report (Shana Harney-Bates, Quality)
    • Operations and Outpatient Services (Nathan Staggs, CEO)
    • Finance Report (Paul Rogers, Interim CFO)
    • IT Report (Tim Waldner, Exec. Dir. Of Ancillary Services)
    • Facilities Report (Tim Waldner, Exec. Dir. Of Ancillary Services)
    • Nursing Report (Nathan Staggs, CEO)
    • Human Resources Report (Nathan Staggs, CEO)
    • Administrators Report (Nathan Staggs, CEO)
  • General Board Items (President Golder)
  • Commissioner Comments (All Commissioners)
  • Agenda Items for Next Board Meeting (President Golder)
    • Next Board Meeting is Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 12:00 pm
  • Adjournment
  • November 10, 2023