Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley) sent the following newsletter on Fri., Dec. 6, 2024.
Thank you for reading my newsletter for the 49th week of 2024.
- Special Session. On Monday December 2nd the Board of Island County Commissioners held public hearings on the 2025 Budget for Island County, as well as on the proposed 1% property levy increases for the County Current Expense fund, the Roads fund, and the Conservation Futures fund. The agenda and video for this meeting can be found here. The video includes the budget presentation. If you click on the document for the agenda item “Resolution C-50-24”, you can find the detailed budget itself.
- The total budget for the County in 2025 is $140.2 Million.
- 36% of the revenue comes from property and sales taxes.
- 41% of the expenditures are for staff salaries and benefits.
- The Board voted to levy a 1% increase in property taxes for the County Current Expense fund and the Roads fund; the Current Expense portion equates to an increase in revenue of $95,605; the Roads fund increase is $98,575. We decided to not increase the Conservation Futures Fund levy, the same decision we made last year. When the Board opts not to increase a levy, however, we bank that capacity so that if in a future year there is a strong need for those funds, we can levy them at that time.
- Most of the property taxes that citizens pay go to support other taxing jurisdictions, not the County. The Board will go over these additional levies in our Regular Session next week, in the agenda item Resolution C-64-24, “Certifying the Levies for Collection of Taxes in the Year 2025 to the Island County Assessor”.
- Once again, we were saddened that no members of the public attended these public hearings. Next year we will consider holding the budget and levy meeting the 1st Monday in October, during the evening, in hopes that this might encourage citizen participation.
- Regular Session. The agenda and video recording for the Tuesday December 3rd Regular Session of the Board of Island County Commissioners is here.
- There was no public comment.
- The Race Lagoon Water Association franchise public hearing was continued to February 25th.
- The next regular session will occur on Tuesday, December 11th. The agenda for that meeting is here. On that agenda: Resolution C-64-24, “Certifying the Levies for Collection of Taxes in the Year 2025 to the Island County Assessor”, and Board selection of the Chair for next year.
- Coming up on Tuesday, December 17th, at 12 pm (after the regular agenda items on our 10 am Regular Session): Commissioner Johnson and I will hold a joint swearing-in ceremony in the Board Room. Employees and members of the public are invited to attend. There will be cake.
- Upcoming Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Public Hearings (held during Tuesday board meetings, beginning at 10 am):
- December 17: Waste Management Contract
- December 17: Regional Disposal Contract
- January 7: Vafaeezdah Sewer Franchise
- January 7: Pleasant View Water Franchise
- January 7: Camano Colony Water Franchise
- January 7: Delcoure Sewer Franchise
- February 15: Race Lagoon Association Franchise
- Work Session. This is the agenda for the December 4th work session; here is the recording. Agenda items moved around due to the fact that I couldn’t attend in the morning because I was participating in interviews for the HR Manager position for Island Transit.
- First item discussed: the 2025 levies adopted by the County’s other taxing jurisdictions. The Island County Commissioners will certify these levies at our Regular Session next Tuesday.
- The Board heard a presentation on the County’s software application portfolio. Mark 0:07:34 in the recording; presentation begins on page 80 of the agenda.
- The Board discussed an Electric Vehicle Charging Station Policy and Resolution. Mark 1:18:00 in the recording; page 135 in the agenda.
- Long Range Planning brought a discussion on the 2025 Comprehensive Plan – Scoping Updates & Prioritization. Mark 1:45:50 in the recording; the presentation begins on page 139 of the agenda.
- The Board discussed a resolution to amend the pay for elected officials (excluding the Sheriff and Prosecuting Attorney, whose pay was revised in 2022; and the pay for Superior and District Court Judges, whose pay is decided by the State Legislature). Mark 2:52:49 in the recording; the resolution and exhibit showing detail can be found beginning on page 130. The Board is concerned that in upcoming elections in 2026 and 2028, the pay for County officers should not disincentivize qualified individuals from running for elected office at Island County.
- My colleagues decided to recommend my selection as Chair of the Board next year. We will vote on this next week. Mark 3:18:00 in the recording.
- The next work session will occur on Wednesday, December 11th. The agenda is here. On that agenda: RCED Grant Extension for the Port of South Whidbey, Broadband Update, and Commissioner Committee Assignments for 2025.
- Island Transit.
- On Wednesday we interviewed three individuals for the open HR Manager position. My hope is that we will fill this position soon.
- We held our regular Board meeting today. You can find the agenda packet here. The main thing we did was discuss the proposed 2025 Budget.
- We will hold a Special Meeting next Friday, December 13, at 2:30 pm to approve the 2025 Budget.
- Planning Commission and the Comprehensive Plan Update: This is a link to the Planning Commission page. You can find details on their meetings and minutes, including Zoom info, here. The agendas are published at least a week in advance. The Planning Commission meets at 6 pm on the first and third Wednesday of each month in the Commissioners Hearing Room in Coupeville. The next Planning Commission meeting will be held on December 18th at 6 pm.
- It’s been a while since I reminded citizens how to apply for jobs at Island County. You can always find a list of our jobs and information on how to apply here. BTW: we offer free family health insurance to regular full-time employees. It really is a great place to work!
- I will be available next Monday, December 9th at Cedar & Salt in Coupeville at 1:30 and Crabby Coffee in Freeland at 3 pm to visit with citizens who want to discuss County issues. Beginning in January, my Coupeville meetings will transition to monthly instead of weekly, on the last Monday of the month (the same day I also hold community conversations in Clinton). The Freeland conversations will continue to occur weekly.
Tomorrow, Saturday December 7th, is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
“There’s nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.”
~ Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle