Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley) sent the following newsletter on Fri., Jan. 24, 2025.
It seemed like half the folks at the County were sick this week. I hope you and your family are staying healthy. I’m feeling a little iffy myself today, which is unfortunate since it looks like a nice (though cold) weekend ahead.
Thank you for reading my newsletter for the 4th week of 2025.
- Regular Session. The agenda and recording for the Tuesday January 21st Regular Session of the Board of Island County Commissioners is here.
- There was no public comment.
- We pulled item 4 from the Consent Agenda to discuss it during the Regular Session. This is a contract amendment with North Sound Behavioral Health Administrative Services. During the discussion members of the Board expressed frustration with how the State funds these health care services. Mark 00:01:47 in the recording.
- Two Public Works resolutions were approved on the Consent Agenda: C-02-25 and C-03-25, both initiating County Road projects for hot mix asphalt overlays.
- The next regular session will occur on Tuesday, January 28,, The agenda for that meeting is here: https://media.avcaptureall.cloud/meeting/29331dc5-301d-43b4-8f91-0ce185ffa307. On the Consent Agenda: an employment contract with Dr. Shawn Morris, who is returning as Island County Director of Public Health; and an increase to the Solid Waste tipping fees in response to the large increase in County solid waste landfilling and transportation costs. On the Regular Agenda: we will hold the Public Hearing shown below.
- Upcoming Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Public Hearings (held during Tuesday board meetings, beginning at 10 am):
- January 28: Shangri-la Shores Water System Franchise
- February 25: Race Lagoon Water Franchise
- February 25: Ziply Fiber Telecommunications Franchise
- February 25: Comcast Cable Franchise
- March 4: Sandberg Water Franchise
- Work Session. The next work session will occur on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. The agenda for that meeting will be posted by Friday, February 7, here.
- This week we held the monthly meetings of the Board of Health (BoH), the Council of Governments (COG), Island Regional Transportation Planning Organization (IRTPO), and the Island Local Integrating Organization (ILIO).
- Board of Health, Agenda; recording. Citizens might be interested in listening to the joint opioid outreach presentation presented by Bill Larsen of Human Services and Luke Plambeck of the Sheriff’s Office, mark 0:44:24 in the recording; the presentation begins on page 37 of the agenda.
- Council of Governments, Agenda. Island Regional Transportation Planning Organization, Agenda. The IRTPO heard a presentation from the contractors overseeing our Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. Commissioner St. Clair expressed concern about the paucity of recommended projects for Camano Island or North Whidbey. We will continue this discussion, hopefully next month. Go here to learn more about this project and to access the public engagement portal.
- Planning Commission and the Comprehensive Plan Update: This is a link to the Planning Commission page. You can find details on their meetings and minutes, including Zoom info, here. The agendas are published at least a week in advance. The Planning Commission meets at 6 pm on the first and third Wednesday of each month in the Commissioners Hearing Room in Coupeville. The next meeting of the Planning Commission will occur on February 5, 2025.
- Whidbey Environmental Action Network (WEAN) has created an Environment and Planning Survey to collect opinions from the community for our county leaders. This survey will provide Island County with information about environmental issues in our community during the Comprehensive Plan update.
- Next Monday, January 27, the Clinton Community Council will meet at 6 pm at the Clinton Community Hall. On the agenda: a presentation on the Washington State Ferries/Clinton dock electrification. This is the Zoom link.
- I attended three overlapping Zoom meetings yesterday afternoon, which means my attention had to switch from strategizing on how to get federal funding for our SR-20 shoulder widening project, to hearing how our State spends our wildfire-fighting dollars, to listening to the Ebey’s Trust Board discuss their budget during a shifting funding environment. It always comes down to the money, folks—there’s so much to do and not enough in the wallet to do any of it fully. But you might be interested in checking out DNR’s Wildfire Response, Forest Restoration, and Community Resilience Dashboard; as well as DNR’s Report on Long-Term Forest Health & Reduction of Wildland Fire Danger (2SHB 1168): .
- I will be available Monday, January 27th, at Cedar and Salt in Coupeville at 1:30; at Crabby Coffee WiFire in Freeland at 3 pm; and at the Clinton Community Hall at 5 pm to meet with citizens.
Next Wednesday, January 29, begins Lunar New Year, a recognized legislative holiday (not a paid holiday) in Washington State. 2025 is the first year this holiday has been recognized by the State. Lunar New Year is based on the lunar calendar, so it doesn’t fall on a set day and floats between January and February each year. Lunar New Year celebration is centered around removing bad luck and welcoming all that is good and prosperous. I wish you good health, good luck, good cheer and Happy New Year!