Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley) sent the following newsletter on Fri., Nov. 8 2024.
Thank you for reading my newsletter for the 45th week of 2024. The Board had only one meeting this week, so this will be a very short newsletter.
County offices will be closed next Monday, November 11, for Veterans Day. The Board of Island County Commissioners extends our gratitude to all veterans and their families for their sacrifices and dedication to our nation.
- Regular Session. The agenda and video recording for the Tuesday November 5th Regular Session of the Board of Island County Commissioners is here.
- We heard public comment from one person, concerned about algae on Lone Lake. This comment was taken at the end of the meeting.
- We passed Resolution C-56-24, proclaiming November 10-16 Veterans Appreciation Week in Island County.
- The next Regular Session will occur on Tuesday, November 12th. Here is the agenda.
- Upcoming Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Public Hearings (held during Tuesday board meetings, beginning at 10 am):
- December 2: Approve 2025 levies and 2025 Budget.
- Work Session. The next work session for the Board of Island County Commissioners is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13th. Since we haven’t had a work session in several weeks and there will not be one the week of the 18th, this will be a long day. Here is the agenda for that meeting. On that agenda: a contract to provide design services to expand the existing Ituha stabilization center by 6 treatment beds; the first draft of the departments’ 2025 work plans; a review of the prioritized order and progress of Code amendment items; Conservation Futures Funding Project Evaluation criteria review; a contract between Puget Sound Partnership (PSP) and Island Local Integrating Organization (ILIO) for a one-time funding opportunity towards an OnSite Sewage Systems (OSS) Action Plan Implementation; and review and discussion of a request from Coupeville to create a UGA for two parcels adjacent to their city limits, and a request from Langley to change their Potential Growth Area designations within the JPA.
- Planning Commission and the Comprehensive Plan Update: This is a link to the Planning Commission page. You can find details on their meetings and minutes, including Zoom info, here. The agendas are published at least a week in advance. The Planning Commission meets at 6 pm on the first and third Wednesday of each month in the Commissioners Hearing Room in Coupeville.
- The County is hosting two additional public virtual meetings online to gather more feedback from the public on the IRTPO Comprehensive Safety Action Plan, https://dks-engage.com/IRTPO. The virtual meetings will include a short presentation (same presentation for both meetings) followed by a public comment discussion. All the presentation files and flyers can be found on the project website under the “Documents” tab: https://dks-engage.com/IRTPO. To register as an attendee for one of the two virtual meetings:
- Tuesday, Nov 12th, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Thursday, Nov 14th, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- We are delighted to announce that the USDA has awarded a $2.2 million grant to Whidbey Telecom and Island County’s Broadband Action Team to bring internet to underserved areas of Camano Island.
I will not be available on Monday, November 11 for my usual meetings with citizens, as it will be a County holiday.
“Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere who bravely bears his country’s cause.”
~Abraham Lincoln