Island County Commissioner Melanie Bacon (D-Langley) sent the following newsletter on Fri., Oct. 25, 2024.
Thank you for reading my newsletter for the 43rd week of 2024. Next week is a 5th week of the month and the Board will not be meeting—so there will be no newsletter from me next week. I wish you all a Happy Halloween. As for me, once again I will be one of the Thriller zombies on Thursday Oct 31st at 4:00 PM in front of Callahans Firehouse on 2nd St in Langley. Hope to see some of you there!
- Regular Session. The agenda and video recording for the Tuesday October 22nd Regular Session of the Board of Island County Commissioners is here.
- There was no public comment this week.
- On the consent agenda: contracts for 9 of the 2025 LTAC grants were approved.
- Two resolutions were passed on the Consent Agenda: (1) C-54-24, declaring legal holidays for County offices for 2025; and (2) C-55-24, establishing 2025 wage increase for non-represented employees (3%). Note: this increase excludes Island County elected officials, whose pay is tied to the increases for Superior Court Judges as established by the State.
- In our discussion with our State lobbyist, we added two items to our priorities list: a request for funding for an additional Veterans Services Officer (VSO) and support for our legislators’ work to ensure continued public enjoyment of Cama Beach on Camano. Mark 00:02:14 in the video.
- We reestablished Diking District 3 and swore in two Diking District Commissioners. Mark 00:33:00 in the video.
- We held a public hearing to approve Resolution C-46-24, finalizing the 2024 work plan and docket to comply with the Growth Management Act (GMA) and the Comprehensive Plan update process. There was no public comment. Mark 00:45:29 in the video.
- The next Regular Session will occur on Tuesday, November 5th. That agenda will be published by Friday, November 1st here.
- Upcoming Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Public Hearings (held during Tuesday board meetings, beginning at 10 am):
- December 2: Approve 2025 levies and 2025 Budget.
- Work Session. The next work session for the Board of Island County Commissioners is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13th. The agenda for that meeting will be posted by Friday, November 8th, here.
- The Council of Governments (COG), the Island Regional Transportation Planning Organization (IRTPO) and the Local Integrating Organization (LIO) all met on Wednesday morning.
- The COG met with Representative Dave Paul, Representative Clyde Shavers, and Hayden Jenkins from Senator Patty Murray’s office to discuss our combined and separate legislative priorities for 2025 (Senator Muzzall was invited but couldn’t make it). This was a really interesting meeting—we talked about ferries, water systems, child care, government funding, public records reform, affordable and workforce housing, transit, the Oak Harbor marina, and much more. Early on, Mayor Kennedy Horstman spoke eloquently about the financial difficulties facing Langley and other local jurisdictions. The recording can be found here.
- I write today’s newsletter from Lynnwood, where I am attending a two-day conference on sea level rise, the “Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead Fall Forum.” Jennifer Schmitz, Island County’s Department of Natural Resources Manager, is one of the initiators and organizers of this conference, which has brought government and citizen scientists and planners from all over Puget Sound together to talk about this looming crisis (the City of Olympia is looking at 1 – 2 feet of sea level rise by 2050, for example; one map showed their entire downtown covered with water). Unfortunately, I think I may be the only elected official at this thing.
- Planning Commission and the Comprehensive Plan Update: This is a link to the Planning Commission page. You can find details on their meetings and minutes, including Zoom info, here. The agendas are published at least a week in advance. The Planning Commission meets at 6 pm on the first and third Wednesday of each month in the Commissioners Hearing Room in Coupeville.
- Island County will host two more stakeholder workshops to discuss the Climate Resiliency Sub Element for the Comprehensive Plan. Stakeholders from a variety of organizations and industries have been invited to participate in the workshops, including environmental groups, builders, tribes, social services, NAS Whidbey, and economic development. The public is invited to listen in and observe the workshops; there will be a chance for the public to provide written comments to inform the process. The workshops will be held in-person at the Coupeville Rec Hall, 901 NW Alexander St, Coupeville, WA 98239. For information, email to compplan@islandcountywa.gov. Groundwater: 1-3:30 PM on Oct. 29; Heat: 10 AM to 12:30 PM on Nov. 1
- The Island Transit Board of Directors is delighted to announce that the agency has hired a new Executive Director. Melinda Adams brings over 15 years of experience in public transit, having served with the City of Everett/Everett Transit in Washington State. Adams will start her new position on November 18.
- Applicants interested in the open Island Transit Human Resources Manager position can find the job posting on Indeed.com and on the Island Transit website.
- Island Transit will hold public meetings at two locations next week to discuss service changes that are proposed to begin in January 2025. CAMANO: Monday, October 28, 12 – 2 pm and 6:30 – 8:30, at the Camano Sno-Isle Library. WHIDBEY: Tuesday, October 29, 6 – 8 pm, at the Clinton Community Hall. No registration required – attendance is not required to submit public comments – people can call 360-678-7771 or email comments to communityengagement@islandtransit.org.
- The Clinton Community Council will meet this Monday evening, October 28, at 6 pm at the Clinton Community Hall. On the agenda: Board Retreat/WCF Grant; Community Meeting; Dan Porter Park Clean Up. Zoom.
- Free Halloween events for the kids:
- This weekend, Coupeville: Practically Magic events, including movie nights tonight and tomorrow, Torchlight Parade & Street Dance on Saturday and the Great Coupeville Pumpkin Race on Sunday.
- Saturday October 26, Coupeville, 3-5: Stop into Beaver Tales Coffee on the Coupeville Wharf before the parade and decorate some cookies, win prizes for showing off your Halloween costume and enter a coloring contest. FREE event with Apple Cider and Hot Cocoa for the kids and Drip Coffee for the adults.
- Sunday October 27, Camano, 11-2: the 4th annual Trunk or Treat at Pub 282! They will also be collecting winter clothing for all ages for the West Camano Little Free Pantry.
- Monday October 28, Bayview, 5-8: The public is invited to join South Whidbey Fire/EMS at a “Trunk or Treat” event at the fire station. For more information call 360-321-1533 or email info@swfe.org.
- Thursday October 31, Clinton, 4–7: Clinton Chamber of Commerce is partnering with Thirsty Crab Brewery to support their Trunk-or-Treat Halloween event. Thirsty Crab Event space.
- Thursday October 31, Downtown Langley, 2:30–5: Downtown Langley will transform into a spooky wonderland filled with treats, costumes, and fun surprises. Bring the kiddos to trick-or-treat the Langley merchants, explore the “Trunk or Treat” at Langley United Methodist Church, and enjoy all the pumpkins, ghosts, and crows and spooky-ness you can handle.
- Thursday October 31, Oak Harbor, 5-7: No Tricks Safe Treats, Downtown Main Street
- Thursday October 31, Camano Island, 6 – 7:30: Camano Chapel’s Trunk or Treat, Camano Chapel parking lot
I am available on Mondays to meet with citizens interested in discussing County issues: at Cedar & Salt in Coupeville, 1:30 – 2:30, at the Wi Fire Community Space in Freeland, 3 – 4, and at the Clinton Community Hall at 5 pm this upcoming Monday the 28th.
“I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.”
Michael Scott, The Office
On The Ballot in November 2024
Island County Commissioner, District 1 | Marie Shimada (D-Freeland) Melanie Bacon (D-Langley), the incumbent Damian Greene (R-Clinton), a write-in candidate |
Island County Commissioner, District 2 | Christina Elliott (D-Oak Harbor) Jill Johnson (R-Oak Harbor), the incumbent |