Luisa Loi reports from the Island County Board of Health meeting of Tue., Dec. 17, 2024 for the Whidbey News-Times.
Public health officials are poised to ask state lawmakers to change the way small public water systems are managed.
The Washington State Association of Local Public Health Officials’ top priorities for the 2025 legislative session include changing a section of state law that sets the conditions for the approval and creation of public water systems.
According to information presented during a meeting with the Island County Board of Health on Dec. 17, the change would clarify when a satellite management agency is most needed to ensure safe drinking water.
They Said It
Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair said she was concerned because the state Department of Health has issued new requirements for water quality without providing the necessary funding and directions to meet those standards. Additionally, she worries that aging water systems that have been managed for a long time by local entities may result in higher water rates once an SMA takes over.