The Island County Commissioners posted the agenda for their Oct. 11, 2022 board meeting. Key items from the agenda are listed below. The meeting will be begin at 10:00 AM in the Board of Commissioners Hearing Room (Room 102B Basement), Island County Annex Building, 1 NE 6th St, Coupeville, WA 98239. The meeting can be attended remotely using this link or by telephone at 1-669-800-5335 using meeting ID 491 987 8603.
Regular Agenda
Resolution No. C-68-22 Sunsetting Resolution No. C-15-20 County Commissioners County Proclamation of Emergency. [Ed. Note: this resolution would rescind the COVID-19 emergency in Island County.]
At 1:00 PM, the commissioners will conduct a workshop with department heads and elected officials regarding the budget for 2023. Here is a link to view the meeting. The projected schedule for these meetings is:
- 1:00 PM: Planning and Community Development
- 2:30 PM: County Administrator
- 3:00 PM: Auditor
- 3:30 PM: Budget