Kira Erickson reports from the Island County Commissioners work session of Aug. 21, 2024 for the South Whidbey Record.
A South Whidbey road project that got swept under the rug is at last receiving some attention.
Construction is expected to begin next year on the Edgecliff Drive Outfall Project, a partnership between Island County and the city of Langley.
During a county commissioners’ work session last week, County Engineer Ed Sewester brought up the project, which originated in 2022 and “somehow got put on the shelf and never initiated,” he said.
They Said It
Commissioner Jill Johnson, however, was leery of the city of Langley’s track record when it comes to reimbursement. She said the interlocal agreement will need to go on a future regular agenda because she plans to vote “no” on reimbursement since the city didn’t pay what it owed in a previous instance, which involved a sidewalk construction project.
“I won’t vote to enter into an after-the-fact relationship with them, because they have not proven that they are good partners in repayment,” she said.
On The Ballot in November 2024
Island County Commissioner, District 1 | Marie Shimada (D-Freeland) Melanie Bacon (D-Langley), the incumbent Damian Greene (R-Clinton), a write-in candidate |
Island County Commissioner, District 2 | Christina Elliott (D-Oak Harbor) Jill Johnson (R-Oak Harbor), the incumbent |