The Island County Republican Party publishes a newsletter, which we are posting here. We believe that the statements made by the leadership of each party is of general public interest.
Chairman’s Brief
Just a short time until actual election day. I know we have an election month in WA state and that tends to distort and insinuate that our elections are not great, but I believe we need to participate in any way we can regardless. We can’t make it better from the sidelines! So this is a short message but an important one. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! and get everyone you know to do the same!
Timothy S Hazelo (USN Ret)
Chairman ICRP
Message from the editor
Well, we are down to the nitty gritty for this election cycle. Lots of work to do, messaging to the people who will listen and securing votes for the candidates who will serve us best. That would be all the Republicans along with Dave Larson for State Supreme Court and David Olson for OSPI in case this was a mystery to anyone who reads this newsletter.
Am I in love with all of the candidates? Nope. Still gonna vote for them because they are better than the alternative and I do love some of them.
After the election there is much work to do getting ready for the next round.
Find all the details in the content that follows.
To help with your plan to attend the next set of Central Committee meetings, here are the dates and locations:
Nov 2nd: Deer Lagoon Grange #846, 5142 Bayview Rd, Langley
Dec 7th: Elks Club, 155 NE Ernst St, Oak Harbor (Big and important)
Jan 4th: 8820 Viking Way, Stanwood
Jim Spoltman
Chair, ICRP Communications and Outreach
Useful Links
ICRP Homepage: Island County Gop | Island County Republican Party | Oak Harbor (https://www.islandcountygop.net/)
ICRP Facebook Page: Go Here (https://www.facebook.com/groups/islandcountygop/?tn=%3C)
Voter Interests Project: Voter Interests Project | Exploring the topics on the minds of voters (https://voterinterests.com)
Let’s Go Washington: Let’s Go Washington (letsgowashington.com)
Voter Information
With roughly one week to go, this is the information that needs to go far and wide in Island County. If you’re looking at a digital copy of the newsletter, copy and paste these into your emails and share on your social media to get the word out and help inform our Island County voters which boxes they should be filling in. Final push for all our candidates and the initiatives as well.

If you need specifics to help someone along with initiatives, all the information needed can be found here:
Let’s Go Washington (letsgowashington.com)
Graphic provided to post far and wide as you see fit.
Get out and support your candidates!
Island County
Commissioner District 2
Jill Johnson – What I believe: – Re-Elect Jill Johnson (wordpress.com)
Commissioner District 1
Damian Greene – (8) Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/islandcountycommissioner2020/)
Legislative District 10
Senate: Ron Muzzall – Home | RON MUZZALL (www.ronmuzzall.com)
House Pos 1:
Carrie Kennedy – Home – Carrie Kennedy for State Representative Office, LD-10 Position 1
House Pos 2: Gary Wray – Gary Wray for Washington (garyforwa.com)
Congressional District 2
Representative: Cody Hart – https://codyhart.org
Governor: Dave Reichert – Dave Reichert for Governor of Washington (reichertforgovernor.com)
Lt. Governor: Dan Matthews – Dan Matthews for Lt. Governor | Lieutenant Governor Washington State
Attorney General: Pete Serrano – SERRANO FORAG – Protecting Washington’s Families; Safety, Service,
Transparency (serranoforag.com)
Secretary of State: Dale Whitaker – Dale Whitaker For Secretary Of State 2024 (whitakerforwa.com)
State Treasurer: Sharon Hanek – Sharon Hanek Homepage (www.sharonhanek.com)
State Auditor: Matt Hawkins – Matt Hawkins (mchawkins.org)
State Supreme Court Pos 2 (NP): Dave Larson – Dave Larson – For Justice. For All. (larsonforwa.org)
Commissioner of Public Lands: Jaime Herrera Beutler – Jaime for Lands (jaimeforlands.com)
Superintendent of Public Instruction (NP): David Olson – Elect David Olson: Champion for Education – Olson for OSPI (electdavidolson.com)
State Insurance Commissioner: Phil Fortunato – Home – Phil Fortunato for Insurance Commissioner
US Senate: Raul Garcia – Garcia for WA U.S. Senate – Health, Leadership, Unity (garciaforwa.com)
President: Donald J. Trump – Home | Donald J. Trump (donaldjtrump.com)
Looking ahead…
Once again here are the PCOs who make up the initial Central Committee.

The first thing the ICRP Central Committee will be focused on is the December reorganization meeting:
Dec 7th: Elks Club, 155 NE Ernst St, Oak Harbor
First up will be the Election of Executive Board Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Committeeman, Committeewoman.
To set up for this there is a Nominating Committee that is talking to folks who are interested in serving on the Executive Board. If you are one of those people, contact Kent Fobian at 425-666-7037 or via email at kent@kentfobian.com. One need not be a PCO to seek these positions.
The committee has several candidates for consideration already. The Nominating Committee will present a four person slate for the Board positions at the first meeting in December to be voted on by newly elected PCOs. There can also be nominations from the floor for those who did not make the slate.
Next order of business is to discuss the Bylaws for the ICRP. There is committee focused on reviewing and updating the bylaws. They hope to have the revised Bylaws to the PCO email inboxes before the next Central Committee meeting. If you want to provide input a copy of the current Bylaws can be found here:
Microsoft Word – 20170311 – ICRP Bylaws.docx (https://www.islandcountygop.net/_files/
Send any suggestions for revisions to sandipete@comcast.net.
These two housekeeping items will likely take up the entirety of the reorganization meeting in December.
It will also be necessary to fill positions for the Standing Committees and any Ad Hoc committees that will focus on items related to party organization, fundraising, communication and elections. The Chair makes those appointments so who that person is will be vital to the success of the ICRP. Choose wisely and well.
With those selections completed, Bylaws updated and committees in place, it will time to focus on Turning Island County Red.
State Committee Report
Hi all,
Everyone needs to have eyes on the close of the current election so not a lot to report this month. I will share the email recently sent to the State Committee from Chairman Jim Walsh that shows what the WAGOP is doing to help PCOs
Hello State Committee,
The WAGOP is committed to each and every PCO having the same access to tools, resources, and materials from the WAGOP. So far, we have created the PCO Portal, the first shared access space for all Republican PCOs in Washington State. We have also created the largest and most comprehensive PCO contact database the WAGOP has ever had.
That being said, no system is perfect, and large projects take time and effort (from everyone) to make them successful. In May, we pulled all internal and public data into our database, giving us a list of all current and incoming PCOs. Out of that list, we were still missing 1,300+ emails and phone numbers statewide. In late June, we sent out an official letter by mail to all PCOs with missing contact information, asking them to contact the office to give us that information. We are now at 700+ missing contacts.
If any PCO has voiced concerns that they cannot access the materials offered by the WAGOP, we encourage them to contact ashley@wsrp.org to get into the database for relevant information and access to tools. You can also send in your full county contact list, and we can fill in our missing information with those. As always, please be patient as we add those new members into the system. It may take a couple of days before they are added, as all the email accounts here are being flooded with questions from voters that are trying to participate in this year’s historic elections.
All Best,
Jim Walsh
Washington State Republican Party Chairman
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Spoltman ICRP State Committeeman | Nicole Vartanian ICRP State Committeewoman (proxy) |
[Editorial Policy: The Voter Interests Project is a non-partisan organization. Part of our mission is to keep voters informed about the activities of elected officials and candidates for public office. We do not endorse or support any particular candidates; therefore, we omit all email links and donation links from candidate communications to supporters. If you are interested in supporting a candidate, we recommend you contact the candidate or their campaign directly.]