It’s fair week!

Stanwood-Camano School District this to its Facebook page on .
It’s fair week! We’re excited to see our students’ exhibitions in the Best Lil Fair in the West — the Stanwood-Camano Community Fair that runs Aug. 2-4.
We also can’t wait to watch our students march in the Stanwood-Camano Rotary Parade at 11 a.m. Saturday through downtown.
Bonus excitement: One week from today is #NationalNightOut in Stanwood and on Camano Island. These annual events feature fun games, food, and a chance to tour emergency response vehicles!
Then it’s time for Movies in Park. The City of Stanwood is hosting three family-favorites at Church Creek Park — Moana on August 8, Top Gun on August 15, and The Goonies on August 22. Movies begin at dusk, roughly around 8:30 p.m.