JANET ST. CLAIR: “What the Island County Board of Commissioners needs is a man.”

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Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair
Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair (D-Camano Island)

Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair (D-Camano Island), sent out the following email from her campaign account on Thu., May 26, 2022.

Filing week has only just ended and my opponents are clearly articulating their values and priorities. Donate [Ed. Note: donation link omitted.] now to be sure your values continue to be represented in Island County.

“Rick Hannold announced to the room that what the Island County Board of Commissioners needs is a man.” https://www.southwhidbeyrecord.com/…/commissioner…/

And thus begins an article in the South Whidbey Record about my opponents speaking to a group on South Whidbey. They oppose affordable housing strategies, conservation, and sustainable development. One opponent continues to subtly promulgate the “big lie” by running on the need to “clean up elections” while the other lies about the hard work of Island County employees. He concludes by calling me an “evil woman”, a truly misogynistic comment.  This tells us all that “politics as usual” is more important to my opponents than commitments to compassion, proven programs and civility in this campaign.

Well, my friends, let’s move on. We have work to do together to build strong, healthy, and resilient communities. Despite their protestations, I know we have more in common than those things (and people) that divide us.  I also know that my priorities reflect the most important issues for our communities. I have brought broadband investments to Island County, protected access to healthcare including COVID response on both islands and advocacy for WhidbeyHealth.  I’ve led efforts to address climate change, improve forest practices and tackle infrastructure challenges and housing.

I need your help to make sure I can continue to work for you.  We must assure that we turn out our voters for the primary as it is a top two primary, not a party primary.  To achieve that goal, I’m knocking on doors and talking to people at Meet & Greets.  I also need donations to help us in a successful campaign.  Click here to donate. [Ed. Note: donation link omitted] You can also volunteer.  Help with postcards, join a Meet & Greet, knock on doorbells, join us at events or send letters to the editor. [Ed. Note: volunteer link omitted]

I appreciate your support.


PS Join me Saturday, May 28 for the Coupeville Memorial Day parade to honor those who served this great nation.

Janet St Clair


[Editorial Policy: The Voter Interests Project is a non-partisan organization. Part of our mission is to keep voters informed about the activities of elected officials and candidates for public office. We do not endorse or support any particular candidates; therefore, we omit all email links and donation links from candidate communications to supporters. If you are interested in supporting a candidate, we recommend you contact the candidate or their campaign directly.]

  • May 26, 2022