Kira Erickson reports from the Langley City Council meeting of Mon., Nov. 4, 2024 for the South Whidbey Record.
Langley residents are facing utility rate increases on top of already big bills.
During a meeting this week, the city council discussed proposed hikes of 5% for water, 4% for sewer and 3% for stormwater.
Though the increases won’t be voted on until the next meeting, the council and members of the public had plenty to say on the matter.
They Said It
When asked by Councilmember Rhonda Salerno how to make things more affordable for ratepayers who are struggling with their bills, [Public Works Director Randi] Perry responded that she outlined three policy revisions that staff is going to work on updating, one of which is a policy that allows for a one-time leak adjustment for people who have catastrophic plumbing failures.
“As homes age, the plumbing responsibility, just like we’re replacing our pipes, people’s private pipes are going to need attention too,” she said.
Perry also suggested looking at the city’s senior and low income water discount programs, which currently serve 30 participants.
“I think that there’s a lot of room to create more clarity around those programs,” she said.
Councilmember Gail Fleming asked if the discount for seniors and low income households could also be applied to sewer rates. Perry responded that in the sewer comprehensive plan update, funding is outlined for a rate study and she anticipates that the discount would be added for the sewer rate.
Perry acknowledged that increasing utility rates is not a popular choice. She said there was a long period of time where either no or inadequate increases took place. Meanwhile, operations costs continue to rise and projects continue to be deferred.