LEGISLATURE 2023-24: Legislative Newsletter (Jan. 15. 2023/LWVWA)


Editor’s Note: The League of Women Voters (LWV) of Washington sent this legislative newsletter on Jan. 15, 2023. Our mission at the Voter Interests Project is to monitor elected officials and ballot measures; we generally do not report on the activities of non-profit organizations. However, the LWV Whidbey Island chapter conducts candidate forums during most election cycles, and are therefore of particular interest to voters. The LWV of Washington’s website states, “The League is a Nonpartisan Source You Can Trust”; however, the LWV does take positions on public policy. Our observation is that their policy positions inform their management of voter forums. Therefore, we believe it to be of interest to our readers to know the positions for which the LWV advocates.

Action Alerts

Click on the links below to learn more about bills currently being reviewed in the state legislature. You can “take action” on these most pressing bills by sending a suggested, editable email to legislators, encouraging them to vote to promote the League issue in question.

Improve waste reduction and recycling in Washington

The Washington Recycling and Packaging (WRAP) Act will be heard in two committees on Tuesday, January 17, 2023. The same bill is being heard in:

  • SB 5154 – Environment, Energy & Technology Committee – 1:30 p.m. (must sign in by 12:30 p.m.)
  • HB 1131 – Environment & Energy Committee – 4:00 p.m. (must sign in by 3 p.m.)

The WRAP Act addresses the recycling crisis and the increasing amount of plastic pollution in Washington. The WRAP Act establishes product stewardship for packaging and printed paper, including recycling and reuse targets, accurate labeling provisions and requirements for post-consumer recycled content in plastic tubs, thermoform containers (e.g., clamshells), and single-use cups. Importantly, the WRAP Act includes a “bottle bill” section. Check this Fact Sheet.

Sign in PRO for each bill.

Sign in Pro

This Week in the Legislature

Democracy Lobby Week Is Almost Here!

Register now for Democracy Lobby Week, February 6-10. The virtual program will be deep and wide, and will include a number of our Issue Chairs. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet with your legislators to discuss our priority legislation. You’ll be with other members of your Legislative District. It’s a great way to participate in our state government, and to develop a relationship with your representatives and senators. We’ll have a panel of legislators on Monday, Feb. 6th, opening evening. The detailed schedule will be on our website this week.

Week One Was a RUSH!

Last week was the first week of this session, and committee chairs and membership have been established. There have been numerous committee meetings and public hearings. Committee hearings have a virtual option, so folks who cannot come to Olympia are able to testify, as was the case last year. This year, the process is handled individually by committee chairs. So far this is working well, and folks from across the state have been able to testify from their homes. You can also watch a great deal of the action via TVW, and keep track of what is happening on the legislature’s website.

Thanks to everyone who responded to our Action Alert last week! Several of our Issue Chairs testified on the question of Advisory Votes, and in other areas as well. Your help by signing in on bills is significant! Please read on to find out what’s happening this week, and see where your support would be helpful.

The 2023 Legislative Issues

LWVWA Legislative Issues From the 2023 Washington State Legislative Session

Click on an issue to learn more about session results on bills the League supported and “This Week’s Updates” to read the issue chair’s report on this past week.


Elections | Read this week’s update

Money in Politics | Read this week’s update

Education | Read this week’s update

Redistricting | No updates this week


Climate Crisis and Energy | Read this week’s update

Forests | Read this week’s update

Growth Management | Read this week’s update

Solid Waste Management | Read this week’s update

Transportation | Read this week’s update

Social and Economic Policy

Housing and Homelessness | Read this week’s update

Health Care | Read this week’s update

Behavioral Health | Read this week’s update

Children’s Services | Read this week’s update

Child Custody and Support | No updates this week

Early Care and Education of Young Children | Read this week’s update

Criminal Justice | Read this week’s update

RevenueRead this week’s update


  • Democracy Lobby Week, Co-sponsored with Fix Democracy First, February 6-9, register here.
  • WRAP Act Grassroots Demonstration, Tuesday, January 17 at 12-1 pm in Olympia at the Capitol – South side of the legislative building. There will be games and educational displays about how packaging design can negatively affect recycling, and how the WRAP Act can improve recycling outcomes in Washington. Please wear GREEN and arrive for a group photo at noon. RSVP here.

Other Ways to Follow the State Legislature

  • Washington State Legislature website.
  • Washington State’s public affairs TV network.
  • January 15, 2023