LEGISLATURE 2023-24: Legislative Update: Helping Veterans & Seniors, Fighting For A Better Future, & More! (REP. CLYDE SHAVERS)

State Representative Clyde Shavers (D-Oak Harbor) sent this email to constituents from his legislative account on Tue., Feb. 14, 2023.
Dear friends,
With the beginning of week 6 of legislative session, we continue to work as hard as possible! I have drafted and submitted 12 bills, offered 3 amendments, and introduced numerous budget requests that benefit our communities.
In the next few weeks, I will be fighting for funding that helps all our communities – in flood mitigation for Stanwood, improved roads and food services in Arlington, healthcare and forest protection on Whidbey, housing and homeless services in Mount Vernon, and much, much more.
Our Legislative Priorities are Being Heard
We are six weeks into the 15-week legislative session, and I am proud to say many of our priorities are being heard. Here is a quick update on where some of my priority bills stand:
House Bill 1086 provides better opportunities for our communities to partner with local service organizations. It has passed the house and is in the Senate for consideration. To watch my testimony on House Bill 1086, click here or on the image below!
House Bill 1346 supports the children of military families by providing school resources and tools. It also establishes a Purple Star Award to recognize school excellence in supporting military-connected students. House Bill 1346 should be voted on by the House and sent over to the Senate soon. Click here to watch my testimony on House Bill 1346.
I also have a number of bill which have passed committee with bipartisan support and now move to fiscal committees:
- House Bill 1384 to provide free state park access to low-income veterans.
- House Bill 1413 to allow for flexible work schedules to help with law enforcement staffing shortages.
- House Bill 1458 which will create unemployment benefits for apprentices in classroom study.
- House Bill 1499 to allow food banks to carry non-food essentials– like diapers and hygiene products.
The Senior and Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption
On February 7th, I testified in the House Finance Committee in support of HB 1560 which provides greater property tax relief to disabled veterans and senior citizens. This bill raises the eligibility income thresholds by 10 percent and adjusts the thresholds every three years – ensuring new beneficiaries while allowing formerly removed ones to rejoin.
Many disabled veterans and senior citizens face housing instability and are at risk of homelessness. 1 in 25 disabled veterans in our state are homeless or unstably housed. Homelessness among older adults in the U.S. is increasing with half of single homeless adults aged 50 and older.
Both groups have sacrificed to build the society we inherited – and I’m fighting to make sure that our senior citizens and disabled veterans don’t lose their home. I will continue to work diligently to get this bill passed this session. Click here or on the image below to view my testimony.
Working Families Tax Credit
The Working Families Tax Credit is a new program that will provide payments of up to $1,200 to low-to-moderate income individuals and families. The amounts are based onincome level and the number of qualifying children (if any). Help us spread the word and make sure everyone who qualifies can receive this tax credit.
This program will help us stimulate local economies and provide the financial stability Washington families need right now. To find more information in several available languages, visit WorkingFamiliesCredit.wa.gov.

Fighting for a Better, Cleaner Future: Green Hydrogen
As a young(er) legislator always envisioning a better future, I believe that harnessing green hydrogen as a source of energy is the answer to a cleaner future. By using electrical currents (from renewable sources) to separate hydrogen from oxygen in water, green hydrogen can be used as a 100% sustainable, storable, and viable form of energy. Using our existing infrastructure (i.e. pipelines, transportation networks), this technology will create profitable jobs and push our state to be energy independent and innovative.
Last week, I submitted House Bill 1768 which exempts light and power businesses using green hydrogen from the public utilities tax. This bill will encourage private-public partnership, innovation that will spur local economic development, and create less demand for other inefficient energy options.
I’m excited to see what the future holds for us!
Honored to Serve You
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to continue my life-long dedication to public service. As a veteran having attended the U.S. Naval Academy, graduated from Naval Nuclear Power School, trained at a naval nuclear reactor plant, and served in the Middle East and Southeast Asia as a public affairs officer, I am now honored to serve you.
In service,
State Representative Clyde Shavers
10th Legislative District